
topicnews · September 15, 2024

Eberbach: Second Park(ing) Day on 20 September – Neckar Valley and Odenwald – News and current events from the region

Eberbach: Second Park(ing) Day on 20 September – Neckar Valley and Odenwald – News and current events from the region

Eberbach. The Mobility Working Group of the Eberbach Climate Workshop is once again organizing a “Park(ing) Day” in Eberbach. This year, this global day of action will take place on Friday, September 20, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Eberbach on Bahnhofstrasse Ost. This will be transformed into an art “promenade” with information stands – mainly on the topic of promoting safe pedestrian and bicycle traffic, according to the city’s press office.

The aim of the campaign is to encourage as many people as possible to take a closer look at their own mobility behavior in an entertaining way. Park(ing) Day is an international day of action on which alternatives are shown for how parking space could be used differently. On this day, parking spaces are “furnished” in order to test out how citizens imagine a livable inner city design.

At the second Eberbach climate workshop, which took place last year, a mobility working group was also formed. This working group found allies for various creative activities to organize the day – including the ADFC with bicycle coding, the student company “Eber-Bike” from the Dr. Weiß elementary school, Stadtmobil Rhein-Neckar with advice on car sharing, and several working groups from the climate workshop who want to inform about their work and recruit new allies.

The initiators want to talk to many people – and this includes children and young people in particular. They want to find out how they imagine a livable city center and the design of streets. This also includes what is important to the citizens, what they dream of. Other cities have already fulfilled such “dreams” and planted flowers and now stately trees in the city center.

The group’s credo: “We want to show that there are alternatives to parked cars and what they are.” The aim is not to drive traffic away from Bahnhofstrasse, but to sensitize long-term parkers and drivers and to enhance the shopping experience.

Also interesting

Eberbach: What has happened since the climate workshop?

Park(ing) Day in Eberbach: Nostalgia and information café instead of parking spaces