
topicnews · September 15, 2024

Season start – Thalia Theater in Hamburg shows TC Boyle – premiere – Culture

Season start – Thalia Theater in Hamburg shows TC Boyle – premiere – Culture

Hamburg (dpa/lno) – The Thalia Theater is starting its new season this Sunday (7 p.m.) with the world premiere of TC Boyle’s novel “Blue Skies”. Director Jan Bosse is bringing the novel, which at least tells about the consequences of climate change, to the stage in a version created together with dramaturge Christina Bellingen.

The vision of the future, packaged as a social satire, sheds light on life in the USA, which is plagued by drought, fires and floods. The mother cooks insects in California. Her son struggles with the effects of a tick bite. The daughter tried to boost her Instagram career in Florida with the help of a tiger python. Meanwhile, her fiancé drinks his way from one party to the next as a drinks ambassador. At the same time, outside, the world is coming to an end in rampant heat and floods.

The award-winning author TC Boyle describes the events from three perspectives. The cast includes Christiane von Poelnitz, Pauline Rénevier, Anna Maria Köllner and Merlin Sandmeyer. The production marks the start of the last season under the artistic direction of Joachim Lux.

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