
topicnews · September 14, 2024

American Football aktuell – Mercenaries General Manager Rummel: “We’re going to keep going!”

American Football aktuell – Mercenaries General Manager Rummel: “We’re going to keep going!”

Mercenaries Managing Director Rummel: “We’re continuing!”

Chris Rummel was a guest at Thunder cornerback Moritz Thiele’s charity event show on Friday the 13th. At the event, Rummel put two Mercenaries jerseys from the 2024 season up for auction. Together, the jerseys fetched 350 euros, which will benefit the Björn Schulz Foundation. During the show, he had to give a short interview. The Mercenaries’ general manager introduced himself briefly. He has been active in Swiss football for five years. At the beginning of his career, he was involved in a local club, where his organizational talent was quickly recognized. He quickly rose through the ranks until he started working for the Swiss Football Association. Here he laid the foundation for his role as general manager of a franchise in the ELF, dealing with events and finances. He has been part of the Guards, or Mercenaries, since 2023.

When asked if the Mercenaries would still be around next year, Rummel answered clearly: “Yes.” Even though it was a tough year, they immediately knew that there would be a next year of the Mercenaries and many more years of ELF football in Switzerland. Fans in 2024 were far from seeing what was planned for the future, because for Rummel it was clear: “Our goal this year was to survive…”

From Guards to Mercenaries

When asked if it was a big challenge for him when the Mercenaries had to be created from nothing, Rummel said that it was more difficult for his family than for him. After he received the call from the ELF manager on Easter Sunday, telling him that the team would be continuing in Switzerland, he took a short break from his private life. But it wasn’t all easy: “Of course we could fall back on some of the Guards’ resources, but new contracts had to be drawn up for everything,” explained Rummel. He had the most stress finding a home stadium. He quickly found a stadium for five games, but for another game the search turned out to be more difficult than expected. “It was a challenge, with little sleep and a lot to do, but also a very formative and good experience,” said Rummel.

According to Rummel, after the takeover by businessmen Sonja and Sandro Moor, there were no problems or overly complex requirements. Quite the opposite – he even praised their commitment and communication with him as General Manager. Their network was very helpful and a common, long-term direction was quickly found. “It is clear where we want to go, it is clear what we want. There was no friction whatsoever,” Rummel concluded.

End of season

Rummel said: “We came away worse than the team should have.” After a thorough analysis, he was of the opinion that they should have won twice, both against Milan and Barcelona. They also came close to an upset in Vienna. Overall, they were able to keep up with big teams like Tirol and Munich. He was overall satisfied because the goal of “surviving” the season was achieved, but also stressed that more could have been achieved.

The Mercenaries were also very satisfied with the spectators and sponsors. But it is also clear that they always want to strive for more and achieve constant growth. “We are a sports team and success is simply sexy,” said the Swiss general manager.

Looking to the future

The timetable for contract extensions and new player signings has been clearly defined internally. As far as the head coach is concerned, Rummel says they are very close to agreeing on a common candidate. Only then will they look at the players. Unlike in previous years, the Swiss will definitely announce the first steps before January. “We knew that we needed a change in the head coach position. The season has already shown that,” said Rummel.

Although Germany and Austria are still considered Switzerland in football, the general manager sees a clear advantage in being the only franchise in Switzerland. He is convinced that a competitive team can be put together because there are many great and young players in Switzerland. “We can only speculate whether there will be a rule change from the league to balance things out. But I don’t think we need that.” He responded to the question of whether the league should work out changes for smaller teams to create equal opportunities.

Goals for 2025

Although the Moor family has not given him any specific targets for 2025, Rummel is clear: “I expect progress, both on and off the pitch.” We will have to watch how the league develops, but he is convinced that we can field a competitive team for the 2025 season. “We can do more than what we have shown.”

Footrest – 14.09.2024

Chris Rummel

Chris Rummel (© Foot Bowl)

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