
topicnews · September 14, 2024

Christopher Street Day: Hundreds at the CSD in Eisenach

Christopher Street Day: Hundreds at the CSD in Eisenach

Accompanied by a small right-wing counter-protest, Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Eisenach hundreds of people took to the streets. The police spoke of 650 participants in the CSD parade, the organizers gave a figure of 750. According to the police, 90 people attended a counter demonstration. The event ended after about half an hour.

“There were no incidents, and the two events did not directly coincide,” said a police spokesman. Officers issued two expulsions and recorded one violation of the assembly law. The organizers spoke of “minor disturbances on the sidelines by Nazis.” The demonstration was peaceful and loud, showing that the CSD is political.

Recently, there have been repeated protests by right-wing groups against CSD. Even in the run-up to the event in Eisenach Civil society groups had called for support for the parade and expressed concern about the right-wing counter-protest.

Christopher Street Day commemorates the uprisings of the queer community on Christopher Street in New York in 1969. It is about the equality of homosexual, transsexual, bisexual, queer and intersex people.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240914-930-232488/1