
topicnews · September 14, 2024

Wolfgang Kubicki: “Not everything that comes out of the AfD is crap”

Wolfgang Kubicki: “Not everything that comes out of the AfD is crap”

FDP Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki was not at a loss for words at the “politician grilling” at WELT. He mainly addressed the other parties and their relationship with the AfD. In the Bundestag, for example, it was quickly said: That is AfD-speak. But that is not an argument, said Kubicki.

The deputy chairman of the FDP and Vice President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Kubicki is critical of the way the other parties deal with the AfD.

“Not everything that comes out of the AfD is rubbish.” But it is always made out that you don’t have to listen to it because it comes from the right,” he said in the new edition of the talk show “Politikergrillen mit Jan Philipp Burgard,” which was broadcast on WELT this Saturday.

This week in the Bundestag, for example, a statement from the Union was made: “That is AfD-speak. What kind of criterion is that?” Either an argument is convincing or it is not: “Then it doesn’t matter at all where it comes from.”

The Union must consider what it wants

Kubicki continued: “And when I keep hearing that the people who vote for the AfD are actually too stupid, all I can say is: what a disregard for democratic principles.” During the election campaigns in Saxony and Thuringia, he repeatedly heard: “If we support the AfD, then those at the top will finally do something.”

The FDP politician believes that the CDU and CSU will have problems to overcome because of their firewall stance towards the AfD: “The Union must deal with the question of what it wants.” Because in all likelihood, the red-green coalition will always be stronger than the Union. And then the Union will have a problem because it will then have no coalition partner except perhaps us.”

According to a study, the majority of established parties in the eastern German states also keep a clear distance from the AfD at the local level. According to the analysis published on Saturday by the Berlin Social Science Center, 80 percent of AfD applications do not receive support from other parties. The researchers examined voting behavior in eastern German districts and independent cities from mid-2019 to mid-2024.
