
topicnews · September 14, 2024

Christopher Street Day – CSD in Frankfurt (Oder) – Peaceful start of the parade – Economy

Christopher Street Day – CSD in Frankfurt (Oder) – Peaceful start of the parade – Economy

Frankfurt/Oder (dpa) – The Christopher Street Day (CSD) started in Frankfurt (Oder) without any major incidents. The parade began in the Polish part of the twin city – in Słubice. According to a dpa report, around 250 participants set off around midday. The mood was exuberant, the first speeches were made, but there were no counter-protests at first.

The parade is still in Polish territory, said a police spokesman in Frankfurt. So far, no counter-protest has been seen. No such events have been announced. “The situation is relaxed so far,” the spokesman continued.

Several weeks ago, the right-wing extremist micro-party Free Saxony called for a protest against the CSD in Bautzen. 680 people followed the call and demonstrated against “gender propaganda and identity confusion”. According to the organizer, rainbow flags were set on fire and participants were pelted with eggs during official CSD parades in Słubice.

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