
topicnews · September 14, 2024

First donation comes from GoeSF and Schlagerstars

First donation comes from GoeSF and Schlagerstars

Goettingen. It’s that time again: With the first major donation from Göttinger Sport und Freizeit GmbH (GoeSF), the Tageblatt Christmas aid “Nobody should be lonely” (KSES) is entering the next round. In the 51st year of the campaign, the aim is to help as many people as possible who cannot afford certain essential things that are not covered by citizen’s allowance and the like.

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GoeSF managing director Andreas Gruber and swimming instructor Sandra Kasel from the outdoor pool on Brauweg presented the first 2,000 euros to Tageblatt editor-in-chief Frerk Schenker and sales and marketing manager Luisa Besmens-Brandis on Thursday. “It’s a great feeling to be able to support KSES again with the first major donation,” said Gruber. “We are very happy that GoeSF is once again a strong partner for KSES,” said Schenker.

It is a great feeling to be able to support KSES with the first major donation.

Andreas Gruber, GoeSF Managing Director

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KSES in Göttingen: “A great project”

The Tageblatt Christmas Aid is “a great project that I always enjoy being involved in,” says the GoeSF managing director. Gruber stresses that the donation was only made possible by the participation of ten pop artists: Alexandra Hofmann, Nadine Fabielle, the group Wind, André Stade and André Busse, Gabriella Massa, Jazzmin, Eighties Fox, the DJ Ötzi double Klaus Cieslak and Mauro Martina. “They performed at our pop festival in Brauweg in June – and only because they wanted to support KSES with this benefit concert and their fees.”

Spend on KSES by bank transfer

Donations to “Keiner soll einsam sein eV” can be made using the following account numbers: Sparkasse Göttingen: DE 78 2605 0001 0000 0004 22 Sparkasse Duderstadt: DE 94 2605 1260 0000 7711 88 Volksbank Kassel Göttingen: DE72 5209 0000 0043 0425 05 Mitte: DE72 5226 0385 0005 0535 44

The 2,000 euros is just the start of the fundraising. In the last anniversary year, the individual case assistance recorded a record 138,000 euros in donations. “That is an impressive sum,” said Tageblatt editor-in-chief Frerk Schenker. “We are always happy about every euro.” The fact that we were able to achieve such a great donation success in the 50th year of the campaign is a double reason for us to be happy.”

Whether bathrobe or bicycle trailer – the Tageblatt Christmas Aid can help

But every year, people come forward who have fallen through the aid system. Some need a bathrobe for rehab, others need a bike trailer to take their children to daycare. It’s about participating in life. “We want to use the money to help people from Göttingen who have fallen into hardship through no fault of their own,” stresses Schenker. Accordingly, every euro that others are without counts.

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We are always happy about every euro.

Frerk Schenker, Tageblatt editor-in-chief

Pea soup, gala and open Christmas Eve in Göttingen

Three major events of the aid campaign are expected to raise a particularly large number of donations. On November 2nd, the pea soup dinner will take place again around the Gänseliesel in the city center. Numerous volunteers will grab the ladles and fill plates – 1,300 portions were sold in 2023 for the benefit of KSES. The Göttingen Student Union will prepare the soup, and Börner-Eisenacher will provide the sausage. The Technical Relief Agency and the German Red Cross are actively helping on site.

Later in November, the latest tradition of the Tageblatt Christmas Aid followed: the fundraising gala at the Deutsches Theater Göttingen. The third edition will take place on Sunday evening, November 23rd. In addition to the full entrance fee, there are additional expenses for the evening – in 2023 it was around 28,000 euros.

The third public highlight is the Open Christmas Eve, in which every Göttingen resident can take part. This year, the Open Christmas Eve is finally returning to its traditional location, said KSES association chairman Wolfgang Stoffel: “The best thing is that we can celebrate the Open Christmas Eve in the town hall again.”