
topicnews · September 13, 2024

Dobrindt: Clarify candidacy for chancellor in September or October

Dobrindt: Clarify candidacy for chancellor in September or October

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt assumes that the question of the Union’s candidate for chancellor will be clarified in September or not until October. He told the newspapers of the Funke media group: “September and October are two good months as a decision corridor.” CDU leader Friedrich Merz and CSU leader Markus Söder had agreed to decide the question in late summer, after the state elections in three eastern German states, of which Brandenburg is still pending on September 22nd.

According to Dobrindt, no preliminary decision has been made yet. “The candidacy for chancellor is open as long as it has not been decided,” he said. “We have two outstanding party leaders in the CDU and CSU.” It is the natural expectation of both parties that their leaders are always considered as candidates for chancellor.” In polls, however, Merz is clearly behind Söder when it comes to the question of candidacy for chancellor. Dobrindt commented: “Polls are always relevant.” But they are not the only criteria.

The next regular federal election is on September 28th next year. Dobrindt says he does not expect the traffic light coalition of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to collapse beforehand. “The greatest service Olaf Scholz could do Germany would be quick new elections,” he said. “My current impression, however, is that the traffic light coalition is unfortunately taking the year of separation before the final divorce very seriously.”