
topicnews · September 13, 2024

Sports fields suffer from catastrophic conditions

Sports fields suffer from catastrophic conditions

This season, the nine Klagenfurt football clubs registered 130 teams with the Carinthian Football Association (KFV). The number of teams has shrunk to a double-digit number due to youth teams, but a solid four-digit number of young citizens of the state capital are chasing the ball. In addition, there is American football, baseball, Frisbee, rugby, as well as company and leisure sports. What they all have in common is that they rely on outdoor sports areas. Ten municipal facilities are available for this purpose. Also on offer are the stadium sports park and the pitches at Pädak and the police sports club, which are not under municipal administration. At the same time, this lively activity is causing a lack of space on Klagenfurt’s pitches.