
topicnews · September 13, 2024

This is what lies behind Stefan Raab’s mysterious videos

This is what lies behind Stefan Raab’s mysterious videos

Knapp neun Jahre sind seit Stefan Raabs Abschied aus der deutschen Fernsehlandschaft vergangen. Der 57-Jährige war seitdem aber auch abseits der Kamera fleißig und produzierte viele TV-Formate im Hintergrund mit. Am 14. September 2024 soll um 20:15 Uhr auf RTL das große Comeback follow in front of the camera. The TV legend will compete against former boxing world champion Regina Halmich in a boxing match. To draw attention to the spectacle, Raab stirs up[–>sozialen Netzwerken is currently drumming up a lot of publicity – with success. His videos reach millions on the platforms and are causing a lot of speculation. What’s the deal with the clips?

Raab im Ring

Alles begann am 29. März 2024, als Raab sich nach jahrelanger Funkstille plötzlich mit einem Video on[–>Instagram and[–>TikTok reported. In this, he announced that he would return in the form of an influencer if he had nine million followers by April 1, 2024. The Raabinator, as the 57-year-old was also called during his time on the successful show “Schlag den Raab”, could not achieve this ambitious goal. He announced in the following[–>Video However, he announced that his last boxing match against Regina Halmich will take place on September 14, 2024. The two already competed against each other in 2001 and 2007.

Raab mit neuem Schönheitsmaßstab

Bis vor Kurzem war es wieder ruhig um die TV-Legende. Acht Tage vor dem Boxspektakel lud Raab aber wieder einen Beitrag on Instagram and TikTok, showing him preparing for the fight. A fat suit, i.e. a suit that makes people look fatter than they are, was intended to give the impression that Raab had gotten out of shape during his TV retirement. Fitness influencer[–>Pamela Reif, which the entertainer used as a benchmark for his nine million follower goal in March and which now appears in his videos, suggests that the Raabinator visits a doctor. The viewers found out which doctor it was in another[–>Clip from September 9, 2024. German acting legend Michael “Bully” Herbig slipped into the role of “Dr. Lamborghini” and treated Raab at the moment[–>neusten Video from September 12, 2024. After his staged cosmetic procedure, the showmaster suddenly shines in a completely new look, with bright white shiny teeth and blonde hair.

Huch, so kennt man Stefan Raab ja gar nicht. Ob er sich so letztendlich auch beim Boxkampf zeigt?

Photo: therealstefanraab/Instagram

Vom Fernsehstar zum Influencer?

Warum inszeniert Stefan Raab such an elaborately produced video series shortly before his TV comeback? The most immediate assumption is probably the great attention that the TV legend’s clips are currently generating on social networks. On Instagram in particular, the videos are getting millions of views and could draw a new target group’s attention to the boxing match. It is also conceivable that the entertainer will produce more content for social networks after the spectacle on September 14, 2024 and possibly even become a kind of[–>Influencer That could also be the reason why the 57-year-old wanted to win so many followers in spring 2024. How Stefan Raab’s career will actually continue after the show fight against Regina Halmich remains to be seen.