
topicnews · September 13, 2024

Berlin: Woman groped on escalator

Berlin: Woman groped on escalator

Berlin – In Berlin-Charlottenburg On Thursday evening, a 22-year-old woman became the victim of sexual harassment. When she confronted the suspect (26), he struck her.

The Mierendorffplatz subway station in Charlottenburg was the scene of a sexual assault on Thursday. (Archive photo) © Paul Zinken/dpa

According to the police, the young woman gave herself away at around 6 p.m. together with a friend of the same age on an escalator at the Mierendorffplatz subway station when three men overtook them.

One of the men reportedly grabbed her bottom as he passed by. When the 22-year-old protested, the 26-year-old kicked her in the face with force. His companions were only able to stop him from committing further acts of violence with difficulty.

An ambulance took the young woman to a clinic where her facial injury was treated on an outpatient basis.

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Meanwhile, the trio fled in the direction of Brahestrasse, but were found by the police not far from the train station. The officers arrested the 26-year-old and took him into police custody for further police action.

The breathalyzer test showed a value of 2.2 per mille. The suspect’s blood was then also taken.

It is currently being examined whether the 26-year-old will be brought before a judge today (Friday) in order to issue an arrest warrant. The investigation is ongoing and is being led by a specialist department of the Berlin police.