
topicnews · September 12, 2024

This is the typical power consumption of your home entertainment

This is the typical power consumption of your home entertainment

Televisions, computers, games consoles, voice assistants – more and more devices are being used permanently in your home. The power consumption for home entertainment is increasing accordingly, and so are energy costs.

Power consumption: With TV you decide on screen size and brightness

Woman watching TV while relaxing on the sofa, model released, symbolic photo, 13.10.2020, Copyright: xAndreyPopovx Panthermedia27666809Woman watching TV while relaxing on the sofa, model released, symbolic photo, 13.10.2020, Copyright: xAndreyPopovx Panthermedia27666809

Woman watching TV while relaxing on the sofa, model released, symbolic photo, 13.10.2020, Copyright: xAndreyPopovx Panthermedia27666809

The larger the screen diagonal of the television, the more power it consumes. The age of the device, the technology used (tube, plasma, LCD, LED or OLED) and the brightness setting also play an important role.

Detailed information on the power consumption of TVs can be found here

How much power consumption is normal?

In Germany, a two-person house in an apartment building consumes an average of 2,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per year. In a single-family house, consumption is around 2,800 kWh. These values ​​do not include the preparation of hot water.

How many kWh is normal for 2 people?

In an apartment building, 1,800 to 2,800 kWh is considered normal. If there is an electric water heater, the value can increase by 900 kWh. In a single-family home, the normal average is 3,600 kWh including hot water.

What all counts towards electricity consumption?

All electrical devices require electricity. From lighting to the stove to the PC. When these devices are in use, this is referred to as electricity consumption.

Apple TV: This is how much power the device consumes

The Apple TV is connected to the television to play media content via the Internet or Wi-Fi. If the set-top box is not in use, it goes into standby mode, which also consumes power.

Detailed information on Apple TV’s power consumption can be found here

Expert opinion

Calculate your electricity consumption yourself: Here’s how

The technical data of your device can be found in the manual. This information can be used to Determine power consumption more preciselyRun the formula Power consumption in kW (kilowatts) x usage time in hours x electricity price in euros = electricity costs per day. Convert watts to kilowatts by dividing the watts value by 1000.

Example calculation: 0.14 kW (140 watts) x 2 hours x 0.40 cents = 0.11 cents/day. If used daily, this amounts to EUR 40.77 per year.

High power consumption: voice assistants are always in use

Man listening to music via wireless speaker Copyright: xAndreyPopovx Panthermedia27614197, Model Released, Symbol photoMan listening to music via wireless speaker Copyright: xAndreyPopovx Panthermedia27614197, Model Released, Symbol photo

Man listening to music via wireless speaker Copyright: xAndreyPopovx Panthermedia27614197, Model Released, Symbol photo

Voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa or Google Home are always ready for use and run in standby mode around the clock.

Detailed information on Amazon Alexa’s power consumption can be found here

Sonos speakers: Power consumption at a glance

The power consumption of the Sonos speaker varies depending on the model.

Detailed information on Sonos’ power consumption can be found here

CHIP Comment: Our tip: Use an energy cost meter to find energy guzzlers

To determine the exact power consumption of your device, it is best to use an energy cost meter. If it is not worth purchasing such a device for you, you can borrow one free of charge from the consumer advice center in various German cities.

Notebook: Amount of electricity costs depends on various factors

How much power your notebook consumes depends on various factors. Among other things, it depends on the computing power and the processor type. The power consumption of the power supply unit serves as an indication of the power consumption.

Detailed information on the power consumption of notebooks can be found here

This is how much power a PC consumes: Calculate costs easily

IMAGO Creative, International Women's Month, Entrepreneurs IMAGO Creative: Creative Renaissance - the young entrepreneur Concentrated IT specialist holds document in hand while looking at computer in a creative office, model released, property released, Copyright: xMaskotx, MA72427IMAGO Creative, International Women's Month, Entrepreneurs IMAGO Creative: Creative Renaissance - the young entrepreneur Concentrated IT specialist holds document in hand while looking at computer in a creative office, model released, property released, Copyright: xMaskotx, MA72427

IMAGO Creative, International Women’s Month, Entrepreneurs IMAGO Creative: Creative Renaissance – the young entrepreneur Concentrated IT specialist holds document in hand while looking at computer in a creative office, model released, property released, Copyright: xMaskotx, MA72427

Similar to a notebook, the power consumption of a PC also depends on usage, performance and peripherals such as printers, monitors or sound systems.

Detailed information on measuring power consumption on your PC can be found here

PlayStation energy costs: This is what it costs to operate the game console

The energy costs vary depending on the model. Please note that all game consoles are permanently in standby mode and therefore consume electricity even when not in use.

Detailed information on the power consumption of the PS4 can be found here

CHIP Reporter: Difference between watts, kWh and co. explained

  • Volt is the unit of measurement for electrical voltage

  • Ampere is a unit of current

  • Watt is the electrical power that results from volts and amperes. 1 kilowatt corresponds to 1,000 watts

  • A kilowatt hour (kWh) describes the electrical power consumed per hour

xBox One: Power consumption of the console in operation and standby

The following information is a guideline. Power consumption increases particularly with graphically demanding games.

Detailed information on the power consumption of the XBOX One S can be found here

Nintendo Wii U: Lowest energy consumption among game consoles

In contrast to the Xbox One, the Wii U is technically less well equipped and therefore consumes less power.

Detailed information on the power consumption of the Nintendo Wii U can be found here

Calculate the power consumption of your home entertainment: Here’s how

If you would like to calculate the consumption and electricity costs of your own devices in more detail, you can use our calculator. Simply fill in all the fields accordingly:

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