
topicnews · September 12, 2024

Berlin: Bloody fight in the M13

Berlin: Bloody fight in the M13

Berlin – In Berlin-Wedding On Wednesday evening, a dispute between two men aged 30 and 40 and two 16-year-olds on the M13 tram line resulted in several injuries.

On Wednesday, a man (40) attacked a 16-year-old with a knife in a tram on the M13. © Jens Kalaene/dpa

According to the police, the bloody confrontation took place around 7:30 p.m. near the Seestrasse subway station.

After initially only verbal arguments, the 40-year-old pulled a knife out of his pocket and stabbed one of the 16-year-olds. The youth held his arms in front of his face and was able to fend off most of the attacks. Nevertheless, he suffered a cut on his face.

The fight then continued in the area of ​​the tram stop. There, one of the youths grabbed a bottle in self-defence and hit the 40-year-old in the face with it.

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Rescue workers took the man to the hospital with a head injury for outpatient treatment. The injured teenagers refused medical treatment.

When the police searched the 40-year-old, they found the knife suspected of being used in the crime and confiscated it. The 30-year-old was also carrying a knife. Both measures are expected to be taken after the police reopen the investigation.

After checking their personal details, the 16-year-old with the cut was taken to the youth emergency services. The other youth was handed over to his father. The investigation is ongoing.