
topicnews · September 12, 2024

German Unity – Future Centre: Supporting company in Halle is starting up – Politics

German Unity – Future Centre: Supporting company in Halle is starting up – Politics

Halle (dpa) – The first concrete preparations for the planned German Unity Future Center are beginning in Halle. A sponsoring company has now started work there, as the Eastern Commissioner Carsten Schneider (SPD) announced. A development team is to hire the first employees by the beginning of 2025.

“The Future Center for German Unity and European Transformation in Halle is intended to be a central location where people from all over Europe can address the consequences of the social changes after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the future of democracy,” explained Schneider. Places of open discourse are needed more than ever.

The Future Center is scheduled to be completed by 2030. It is intended to honor the achievements of German reunification and make the experiences useful for future upheavals and crises, as a meeting and research center at the same time.

A jury had selected Halle an der Saale as the location for the center. An architectural competition was launched in April, and the winner is to be announced in spring 2025. According to Schneider, construction is to begin in 2027. A usable area of ​​around 14,000 square meters is planned. The federal government has promised 200 million euros for the prestige project.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240912-930-230864/1