
topicnews · September 12, 2024

DSN: Joint Action Day on the occasion of 9/11 against Islamist extremism

DSN: Joint Action Day on the occasion of 9/11 against Islamist extremism

On September 10, 2024, the Directorate of State Security and Intelligence (DSN) organized and led an Austria-wide Joint Action Day (JAD) in the Islamist extremist milieu. In cooperation with the nine state offices for state security and combating extremism (LSE), a coordinated approach against Islamist extremism was carried out with the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ). As part of the JAD, numerous threat interviews, interrogations, searches and seizures took place in all federal states and in several correctional facilities. The action took place shortly before the anniversary of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in the USA, as this attack is still highly symbolic in the Islamist terrorist area and attracts copycat criminals.

“My thanks go to the investigators of the State Security Service, the police and the judicial authorities. This special action underlines once again that the Austrian Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Austrian security forces are taking consistent, sustained and vigorous action against extremists and Islamists,” said Interior Minister Gerhard Karner.

In this context, Karner renewed his demand: “The police finally need the possibility to monitor messenger services in order to be able to take action against terrorists on an equal footing.”

Approaches to potential threats, searches and seizures throughout Austria

In cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Justice, four house searches including seizures, five suspect interviews and interviews with potential threats were carried out across the country and in ten prisons following court approval and an order from the public prosecutor. The focus of the seizures is on digital devices, particularly mobile phones, in the context of Islamist online propaganda. The background to the official actions were the criminal offenses of membership in a criminal organization, membership in a terrorist organization, incitement to commit terrorist offenses and approval of terrorist offenses. By means of an interview with potential threats, a person who poses a risk of an attack that endangers the constitution is verifiably instructed on lawful behavior. The instruction focuses in particular on the particular risk potential of radicalization and the associated legal consequences, and refers to deradicalization programs.

According to the BMJ, cell searches were carried out on 52 known prisoners in accordance with the Anti-Terrorism Act. The results of the searches are currently being reviewed and evaluated.

“The past few weeks in particular have shown how necessary close and intensive cooperation between law enforcement authorities is. “With this action, we are sending a clear message: we are opposing extremism and terrorism together, consistently and purposefully,” emphasized Franz Ruf, Director General for Public Security.

Islamist extremism – increasing threat

Islamist extremism and terrorism are currently experiencing a new high throughout Europe. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution repeatedly points out that Islamist extremism poses a particularly high risk. The key players within the established structures are in contact with international leaders of the Islamist scene and receive support and instructions regarding the methods to be chosen and the targets of attacks. Communication takes place mainly via encrypted communication. There has also been a significant increase in radical Islamist propaganda in the digital space. Propaganda shared on the Internet often praises past terrorist attacks and portrays former attackers as heroes. The risk of terrorist attacks is therefore particularly high in the period close to such events. Last year, for example, a planned attack on Vienna’s main train station on September 11 was prevented. Even among currently known threats, references to this date and the 2001 attack are repeatedly found.

Due to the continuously high level of danger posed by Islamist extremists, it is important that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution focuses more on cooperation – be it inter-ministerial, national or international. Through the deployment of the various organizational units, this JAD was able to send a signal against Islamist extremism and terrorism.