
topicnews · September 12, 2024

City gets clean after all: “Cleanup Day” as a replacement

City gets clean after all: “Cleanup Day” as a replacement

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Kindergartens, such as the one in Müllingsen, as well as schools have regularly participated in the “Strong, clean: Soest!” campaign in the past. peter dahm (archive) © Peter Dahm

Instead of the well-known Soest campaign “Strong, clean: Soest!”, which could not be carried out in the spring, there is an alternative “Cleanup Day” on September 20th. What that means.

Soest – It actually has a fixed place in the events calendar of the city of Soest every spring – but this year the campaign “Strong, clean: Soest!” had to take a break: for budgetary reasons, no money could be spent on such a voluntary service at the time. But because the rubbish carelessly thrown into the countryside unfortunately never takes a break, the campaign is now to be repeated in the autumn – under a different label.

A welcome opportunity for this will be September 20th, when “Cleanup Day” will take place worldwide, when people actively combat environmental pollution by collecting garbage and waste from nature in their cities – a concept that is very similar to that of “Strong, clean: Soest!”. On the initiative of the council factions of Alliance 90/The Greens and the SO! party, Soest will be part of this global movement for the first time. The city’s participation is based on a successful application by both factions.

Raising awareness of waste prevention: Citizen engagement

“It is important to us to integrate this environmental day into the global context and to raise awareness of waste prevention and environmental protection,” emphasises Verena Bense from the Green Party. The participants are supported by the Soest Municipal Works (KBS), which provides tools such as grabbers, safety vests, gloves and garbage bags and collects the collected garbage. The “Cleanup Day”, like “Strong, clean: Soest!”, thrives on the commitment of the citizens.

School classes, kindergartens, clubs and other institutions and groups are invited to participate. Some schools from Soest have already confirmed their participation, but the doors are wide open for other active participants.

“Strong, clean: Soest!” had to be cancelled last spring, but the city took part in the global “Cleanup Day” campaign on September 20. Participation is still welcome. Adobe Stock © Private

Be part of a global movement: Make an appointment

Interested parties can pick up the required material from the municipal company at Christophorusweg 7 and arrange an appointment for collection and for the return of the complete garbage bags by calling 02921/103-4000.

“Cleanup Day is an important building block in our efforts to protect the environment.” “We are particularly pleased that we are also part of this global movement in Soest this year,” explains Walter Raubaum from the SO! party.