
topicnews · September 11, 2024

View old versions of web pages in search: Google adds link to Internet Archive to ‘About this result’

View old versions of web pages in search: Google adds link to Internet Archive to ‘About this result’

Google is adding the option to access older versions of the listed websites to the information on search results. There is now a link to the Internet Archive in “About this result”.


In order to investigate the trustworthiness of search results or simply to obtain additional information about the websites that Google displays in the search, Google introduced the “about this result” function several years ago. which has also been available for German and other languages ​​since the end of 2022If you want to use the function, simply click on the three dots in a search result.

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A new feature is the ability to view older versions of the web pages from the search results. To do this, Google now displays a link to the Internet Archive in “About this result”, which archives snapshots of web pages over time. Google announced this extension today.

Google adds link to Internet Archive to “About this result”

To see the link to the Internet Archive, you have to click on “More about this page” in “About this result”. The link is located at the bottom:

Link to the Internet Archive in 'About this result'

The ability to view older versions of a website can be helpful, for example, to see whether there have been any fundamental changes over time – for example, because a domain has changed hands. Although it was already possible to use the website for this purpose, this process is made much easier by the link in “about this result” in Google searches.

Christian Kunz


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