
topicnews · September 11, 2024

Five tricks to help you lose weight

Five tricks to help you lose weight

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Reaching your ideal weight doesn’t always have to be time-consuming. Simple everyday tricks can also help you shed pounds. © Zoonar/Imago

Losing weight doesn’t always have to be exhausting and time-consuming. You can also lose weight in everyday life. Five simple tricks.

Intermittent fasting, a diet or a strenuous exercise program: the list of ways to lose weight is long. However, many of these options are extremely time-consuming and not particularly compatible with work, family and leisure time. Fortunately, weight can also be lost in everyday life with the help of simple tricks.

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Five simple tricks for losing weight in everyday life: 1. Always keep moving

If you want to lose weight, exercise is the key to success. However, many people lack the motivation to go to the gym or go for a long jog, or simply don’t have the time after work. But exercise can also be easily integrated into everyday life. So how about simply covering shorter distances on foot or by bike instead of by car or train? Just as easy to implement and just as effective: use the stairs instead of the elevator.

2. Drinking plenty of water prevents food cravings

Drinking water can help the body lose weight in everyday life. If you drink a lot of water, you will feel less appetite. According to this, the signs of hunger and thirst in the brain are closely linked. If the body has too little fluid, we humans often still feel artificially hungry. Therefore, when you feel hungry, you should first drink a large glass of water. If you still feel the same hunger afterwards, you should not skip a meal. In general, however, it can be said that drinking water reduces cravings and can therefore be a good aid to losing weight.

3. High-calorie drinks reduce success

In order to lose weight effectively, you should save as many calories as possible. This is not only possible when eating, but also when drinking. The wrong drinks can really increase your daily calorie count. You should also avoid sugary lemonade, cola, iced tea or energy drinks if you want to lose weight. There is another drink that you should also avoid if you want to lose weight: fruit juices. It sounds surprising, as the juices initially seem to be rich in vitamins and healthy. How reported, it makes almost no difference in terms of calories and sugar content whether you drink a glass of cola or fruit juice. According to contain 200 milliliters of original cola contains 84 calories. The same amount of cloudy apple juice contains 92 calories. If you want to lose weight, you should not only focus on solid food, but also pay close attention to your choice of drinks.

4. Brushing your teeth signals to the brain: There is nothing left today

Another weight loss trick that can be used in everyday life is brushing your teeth. It sounds strange at first, but it can help. After eating, we often feel like having dessert. For many people, a packet of chips is a must when watching TV on the couch. But it goes without saying that these snacks in particular don’t help your calorie balance. But with a simple tip, you can trick your brain. If you brush your teeth immediately after dinner, you signal to your brain that you have finished eating for the day and that you will not be eating anything sweet. According to Brushing your teeth reduces the feeling of hunger and the desire for a snack disappears.

5. Eating slowly makes the pounds fall off

During the meal, it takes At least a quarter of an hour before the feeling of fullness sets in. People who shovel their food in too quickly often eat larger portions than people who enjoy their food and eat it slowly. Those who eat slowly not only do something good for their own digestion, but also feel full more quickly and therefore eat smaller portions.

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