
topicnews · September 11, 2024

11 September: World Conspiracy Theorists Day ᐉ News from – Любопитно

11 September: World Conspiracy Theorists Day ᐉ News from – Любопитно

Today, September 11, is the unofficial World Conspiracy Day of conspiracy theorists, writes the German Abendzeitung München, quoted by

23 years after the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, the fantasies surrounding this gruesome event, in which 3,000 people lost their lives, continue. Germany is one of the strongholds of self-proclaimed critical minds who believe that the “traditional media” misled the public.

There is no doubt that journalists deceive, present biased information, and run campaigns in favor of this or that. But to portray the media as supporters of a global conspiracy is absurd. This also applies to September 11, 2001, which was more documented and investigated than any other day in history.

However, conspiracy theorists are not deterred by this. A veritable industry has long since developed that trades on the seductive doubt of the “too simple explanation”; dubious book publishers enrich their range with dozens of titles in which “the lie behind 9/11” is revealed. They mock the “gullible”, point to semi-scientific facts and pseudoscience, and their source is almost always Google.

“The experts” make bold claims that, for example, the World Trade Center could not have collapsed without explosives (not true), that there were no Jewish victims (not true), that the murderers were not on the passenger lists (not true), that the Pentagon did not shoot down any planes (not true), that Flight 93 did not crash but landed safely in a US Air Force hangar (not true).