
topicnews · September 11, 2024

Residents should flee from “monster fires”

Residents should flee from “monster fires”

Huge forest fires are spreading in California. Three major fires in the US west coast state are currently not or barely under control, according to the fire protection authority Calfire. In several districts in the south of the state, residents have been forced to flee the danger zone. Roads have been closed in many places.

The Los Angeles Times spoke of “monster fires”: The Bridge Fire northeast of the Los Angeles metropolis exploded to more than eight times its size within a few hours. According to the fire protection authority, the Bridge Fire is currently burning on 190 square kilometers of land. Since the Line Fire broke out in San Bernardino County last Thursday, a total of 13 people have been injured, including eleven firefighters, the newspaper reported.

In southern California, emergency crews are battling fires. Photo: Etienne Laurent/AP/dpa

Southern Californians suffer from air pollution caused by fires

On Tuesday, the flames of a fire that had been burning since Monday reached the area around an airport about an hour’s drive south of Los Angeles in Orange County. According to Calfire, the so-called Airport Fire is continuing to spread. More than 600 firefighters were deployed on the ground with support from the air. Officials have not yet disclosed what sparked the airport fire.

The fires worsened the air quality in southern California, as the US broadcaster CBS reported, citing the responsible control authority. According to the report, the danger index reached a threatening high, well above an acceptable level.

Every year, forest fires cause great destruction to forests and residential areas in California. The region has been extremely hot in recent days. In light of climate change, experts are warning that fires will occur and become more destructive.

The flames reached cars and buildings in California. Several fires are completely out of control. Photo: Eric Thayer/AP/dpa