
topicnews · September 11, 2024

Comment on the asylum debate: Problem solving is needed instead of party tactics

Comment on the asylum debate: Problem solving is needed instead of party tactics


Status: 10.09.2024 22:10

The failure of the migration talks between the government and the Union is bad for Germany, says Frank JahnAn agreement could have demonstrated the democratic parties’ ability to act. But this opportunity came true.

The traffic light coalition’s offer to talk about migration was an opportunity. An opportunity for an alliance of democrats to demonstrate the ability of politics to act. The Union has left the table. That is bad for the country.

Because together, the government, the largest opposition party and the federal states could achieve more quickly in controlling immigration. But the Union apparently prefers to act as the driving force behind what it sees as an inactive traffic light coalition. But it would certainly have reason to work constructively.

Isolation is an illusion

She led the government in 2015 when more refugees arrived than the municipalities could cope with. The consequences are still being felt today. And the traffic light coalition may be late in changing course, but it is moving. The number of asylum seekers is going down, the number of deportations is going up.

The coalition is increasing controls at all German borders. They will now force the rejection of those who are asked for asylum here but for whom another EU state would be responsible. Close to the border, faster, and in case of doubt with detention. No, these are not the blanket rejections that the Union wants. But the maximum demand for complete isolation is an illusion.

Solutions are needed, not panic

Our green borders cannot be fully controlled. Some neighboring countries have made it clear that they would not take back those who have been rejected. Germany cannot simply offend its partner and raise the drawbridge. In the long term, irregular migration can only be limited with everyone in the EU.

Problem solving is needed instead of partisanship. The discussion between the traffic light coalition and the Union could have been a signal for the ability of democrats to reach consensus. Unfortunately, the opportunity was missed.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editorial team.