
topicnews · September 11, 2024

Does drinking rice water really help you lose weight?

Does drinking rice water really help you lose weight?

On the Asian continent, rice is the most important food source, according to the German Radio as the most important staple food, it has a vital function. But even in our latitudes, the Far Eastern grain has been a varied side dish on the plate for many years. In addition, rice is considered, right after potatoes, to be a healthy alternative to noodles and pasta. The so-called rice diet has also already attracted a lot of attention.

On the video platform Tiktok, however, rice – or more precisely rice water – is currently experiencing an unprecedented boom. It is called “Ricezempic” and is said to be extremely helpful when dieting. Scientifically, this is quickly explained. But there is a huge catch – keyword: healthy weight loss.

Tiktok trend “Ricezempic”: The new weight loss miracle cure?

Loud FocusOnline The trendy term “Ricezempic” is made up of the English word for rice (“rice”) and the name “Ozempic”. The latter is known as the brand name for a “weight loss injection” that was actually launched on the market as a remedy for diabetes and is considered a kind of diet miracle cure despite some severe side effects.

Rice water is said to be similarly effective, according to most young TikTokers. But what is actually meant by rice water?

What is rice water?

Put simply, rice water is water that is extracted from rice grains. Most people have probably seen it in cooking, because it is created in the simplest way by washing rice. According to the Tiktok trend “Ricezempic”, this water should not end up in the drain, but rather tapped into a glass. Now, according to the self-selected diet experts on Tiktok, all that is missing is a dash of lemon and the rice water is ready to be consumed. If only there wasn’t a huge catch.

Tiktok trend “Ricezempic”: Not recommended for health reasons due to high arsenic levels

After all, rice should be washed before cooking for a very specific reason. The hygiene measure has to do with a semi-metal, inorganic arsenic, which, according to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, occurs in “relatively high” concentrations in rice and rice products.

The problem: Research has long said that inorganic arsenic has a carcinogenic effect. It is therefore hard to deny that increased consumption of rice water and thus traces of arsenic pose health risks, because “a safe intake level has not yet been determined,” says the Federal Institute in an information brochure.

According to a Tiktok trend, this is exactly the water that should be tapped and drunk daily. But what about the weight-loss effects of rice water, apart from the health risks? Is it really suitable for a diet, as some Tiktokers would have you believe?

Does rice water really help you lose weight?

There is scientific evidence that rice water can have a positive effect on weight loss. The reason is the so-called “resistant starch”, which according to the Pharmacy Review when rice is soaked. They primarily support the feeling of satiety. Professor Christina Holzapfel, a nutritionist at the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda and the Technical University of Munich, explained to the health magazine: “Resistant starch fills you up, is mostly indigestible and therefore behaves like fiber.” Foods rich in fiber promote satiety and can be helpful for losing weight.”

This prevents the unpleasant yo-yo effect, which reverses the desired results after a certain period of time. However, the rice water trend is not recommended due to the problematic arsenic contamination. Instead, the expert recommends choosing other high-fiber foods. Vegetables, fruit, whole grain products, pulses and protein shakes are just as filling as the starch in rice. “And if I eat natural yogurt with fruit and oatmeal for breakfast, I still feel full despite the relatively low calorie count,” says the expert.