
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump: Who will win in the TV duel?

Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump: Who will win in the TV duel?

Preparations for TV duel between Trump and Harris

Watch the TV duel in the USA between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump with German translation here from 3 a.m. in the live stream.29.06.2024

Premiere in Philadelphia: In the TV debate, Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump meet in person for the first time. There hasn’t been a handshake between the candidates since 2016, will that change today?
Much is at stake, and some TV debates have decided the US election. In the case of outgoing incumbent Joe Biden, his failure in the debate with Trump on June 27 meant the end of his plans to move into the White House for another four years, despite his advanced age.

The TV debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump will take place at 9 p.m. local time on September 10. You can watch the TV debate live on ZDFheute from 2:50 a.m. CEST on September 11:

When can we follow the debate live?

Anyone who wants to follow the debate live in this country will have to get up early: Because of the time difference, it will be 3 a.m. on Wednesday when Harris and Trump take the podium.

In Philadelphia, however, the candidate debate begins at 9 p.m. on Tuesday evening, prime time in the USA.

What matters

According to Marco Overhaus of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, this year’s debate could be particularly relevant. According to all polls, the race for the presidential nomination will be particularly close. A few 10,000 votes in seven swing states could decide the outcome of the election, said Overhaus in an interview with ZDFheute. This is despite the uncertainties that polls have weeks before the election.

First TV duel Harris vs. Trump

:The battle for undecided voters

In a divided America, there are only a few undecided voters left. Harris and Trump are fighting for these in the TV debate – and hope to lure the other out of his shell.

by Anna Kleiser

Harris faces the challenge of defending her new substantive platform and shedding her “flip-flop image” as she tries to embody change despite being part of the current administration.

With Trump, it will be interesting to see whether he follows the advice of his adviser and focuses on key points of attack or whether he follows “his instinct” and focuses on personal attacks, possibly related to Harris’ skin color or gender.

Since 1960, debates broadcast live on American television have been an integral part of the US presidential election campaign.

What rules apply to the TV debate between Harris and Trump?

  • The duel will be moderated by ABC News journalists David Muir and Linsey Davis.
  • The broadcast will be from a studio without an audience in Philadelphia, the largest city in the politically contested state of Pennsylvania.
  • The debate will last 90 minutes, with two commercial breaks planned. During the debate, the microphone of the presidential candidate who is not speaking will remain muted.
  • Harris and Trump must speak freely: “Props or pre-written notes are not allowed on stage,” ABC News said.
  • Harris and Trump will receive a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water. There will be no opening statements; the candidates’ closing statements will last two minutes. (Source: dpa)

Candidate Kamala Harris and candidate Donald Trump will each have two minutes to answer; they will then be given two minutes to reply, plus a further minute for any clarifications or questions. At the end, there will be two-minute closing statements, first Harris, then Trump.

The questions will be asked exclusively by two journalists from the US TV station ABC. As was the case during the Trump-Biden duel, there will be no spectators in the room.

Former President Donald Trump (left) and current incumbent Joe Biden (right) stand behind desks during the televised debate.

In the first exchange of blows between US President Biden and Donald Trump, Biden did not cut a good figure – and later gave up his candidacy. 28.06.2024 | 2:29 mins

What could be decisive for Trump and what for Harris?

In recent polls, Harris and Trump are virtually neck and neck, so both are trying to reach out to undecided voters in particular.

Dashboard US election 2024 Harris vs. Trump

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Why are TV debates so important in the USA?

The candidates reach an audience of millions through the duels. Some experts therefore consider the major political events to be very important – also for the outcome of the election. However, Marco Overhaus from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs stressed in an interview with ZDF that “TV duels alone are not usually decisive in the election, but they set the tone for the further debate and mark the start of the hot election campaign phase.”


Kamala Harris – the first woman in the White House? After Joe Biden withdrew as presidential candidate, she united the Democratic Party behind her within a few hours.27.08.2024 | 43:57 minutes

What will happen next in the US election campaign after the duel?

The duel between candidates Harris and Trump will – as things stand – probably be the only one in the US election campaign.
In just under two months, on November 5, 2024, Americans will have decided whether to vote for Democrat Harris or Republican Trump.

Source: AFP, Reuters