
topicnews · September 10, 2024

CloudEye is responsible for 18 percent of all malware infections in Germany

CloudEye is responsible for 18 percent of all malware infections in Germany

The downloader targets Windows computers. RansomHub consolidates its position as the leading ransomware group worldwide.

Check Point has updated its monthly malware ranking. With a share of 17.9 percent, CloudEye was the top malware in Germany in August. The Windows downloader is used by cyber criminals to download other malicious programs and install them on victims’ computers.

The Androxgh0st botnet came in second place by a clear margin (4.36 percent). The malware works on Windows, macOS and Linux and spreads via known vulnerabilities. They store confidential data such as AWS keys and login and account information.

The Global Threat Index for August also shows that ransomware continues to be a dominant force, with RansomHub maintaining its position as the leading ransomware group. This ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation has spread rapidly since its rebranding from Knight ransomware, attacking over 210 victims worldwide. Additionally, a new threat has emerged: Meow ransomware, which previously focused on encrypting data and is now shifting its activity to selling stolen data on leak marketplaces.

“The emergence of RansomHub as the top ransomware threat in August underscores the increasing sophistication of ransomware-as-a-service operations,” said Maya Horowitz, Vice President of Research at Check Point Software. “The rise of Meow ransomware underscores the shift toward data leak marketplaces and signals a new method of monetization for ransomware operators, with stolen data increasingly being sold to third parties rather than simply being posted online.” As these threats continue to evolve, organizations must remain vigilant, take proactive security measures, and continually strengthen their defenses against increasingly sophisticated attacks.”