
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Fabian Frei speaks for the first time in detail about his departure from FCB

Fabian Frei speaks for the first time in detail about his departure from FCB


Fabian Frei“One or the other is happy”: FCB legend speaks clearly after exit

One day after his sudden transfer from FC Basel to FC Winterthur, FCB record player Fabian Frei talks in detail about his move.

  • After 543 games, the story of Fabian Frei and FC Basel is over.

  • The 35-year-old is leaving Rotblau and moving to FC Winterthur.

  • One day after the transfer, Frei speaks at length.

Fabian Frei, how did it feel to start at FC Winterthur?

I felt about the same way my children must have felt on their first day of school. I was extremely excited. I knew what to expect. The first training session was really cool, we just managed to avoid the rain. I laughed a lot, it was a really good start.

Your departure from FC Basel came suddenly. Are you sad that your time is over?

I am sad. But I am happy because I can now be here in Winterthur. It was a very nice, very cool time in Basel, which was also very emotional. And most importantly: no one has to feel sorry for me now, I am absolutely happy to be here.

Xherdan Shaqiri was celebrated by FCB fans on his comeback. He will no longer play alongside Fabian Frei, who moved to FC Winterthur.

20 minutes

Nevertheless, would you have imagined the manner of your departure differently?

That’s something we can discuss. It would have been easier if we had found a solution in the summer. But it is what it is. Football is sometimes unpredictable. If someone had asked me a few months ago whether I wanted to leave like that, I would have said no. But now it is like that. And I think we will find a moment when I can say goodbye in front of the fans.

But why so suddenly? It seems that it has only now occurred to them that your role will no longer be as important.

Yes, yes. From my point of view, yes. I was a regular player in the first match. That’s actually a sign. You don’t put someone in the first game that you don’t want to rely on in the long term. I didn’t really have any major concerns.

Fabian Frei now plays for FC Winterthur.

Fabian Frei now plays for FC Winterthur.

FC Zurich

You mentioned the first game of the season. Afterwards, it was said that the club suggested terminating your contract.

What was discussed during this conversation will not be made public.

When did the moment come when you realized that you might not be playing as often anymore?

It’s not that I stopped playing. I was substituted in every match. There were just constant discussions about me. I had the feeling that one or the other was happy when I was no longer there.

There were discussions that I didn’t understand. It’s clear that there will come a time when I won’t be playing every match from the start. But the fact that it had to be discussed so heatedly… And then FCW coach Ogi Zaric called me often and convinced me.

There wasn’t just one moment?

It was a gradual process. On Saturday and Sunday, time was running out. Deep down inside, I had probably made the decision a long time ago, but it just had to clear up in my head. But at the weekend, I weighed up the pros and cons with my family.

At the beginning of the season the idea wasn’t there yet?

No. Even in the game against Sion and Freiburg I didn’t have the feeling that it would be the last time I would be on the field.

And why the switch to Winti?

It’s a cool club, I’ve been here before and the club has a very good coach, Winti tried hard and there’s a plan for me. I’m also convinced that I can help with my experience. Of course, I also hope that I can still play a straight pass sometimes (laughs).

Many FCB fans criticize the manner of your departure: so sudden, your achievements are not being done justice. Your opinion?

Of course fans have spoken up. And yes, I can understand their criticism. But as I said, you don’t have to feel sorry for me. I didn’t have to do it. But as I said: It would have been easier and would have been better received if we had drawn a clean line under it in the summer. It wasn’t a dream ending.

Have you recently spoken to Taulant Xhaka about the roles in the club?

I’ve been talking to him about it for five years. But it’s pointless that it keeps coming up. But no one has complained yet – at least not publicly. Within a club, I think you can and should be critical.

Do you have an idea of ​​a farewell?

No (laughs)But I will certainly say goodbye again before a home game. I will have to wait and see when that will be.

Fabian Frei will no longer wear the FCB jersey.

Fabian Frei will no longer wear the FCB jersey.

Marc Schumacher/freshfocus

At FC Basel you had the chance to win a title. Here in Winterthur that is less likely.

If I hadn’t won a title in my career, it would have been different. And how much is a championship title worth if you haven’t played much during the season? I play football to play football.

You are returning to your youth club. Do you still have many memories?

Yes, everything is still the same. The same flags are still hanging there as back then. Now everything has come back up. I’m happy when I get on the train for the first time and walk from the station to the stadium. I can take the little one to kindergarten again, which is nice. I just hope that I don’t get on my wife’s nerves too much by being at home more often now (laughs).

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