
topicnews · September 10, 2024

School starts at Gymnasium Wasserburg – for fifth graders and new head teacher

School starts at Gymnasium Wasserburg – for fifth graders and new head teacher

  1. ovb-online-de
  2. Rosenheim
  3. Wasserburg Region

Headmistress Tanja Oberhofer at her first appearance in front of the school family of the Gymnasium Wasserburg. © Rieger

School starts in Wasserburg: Not only 119 fifth-graders started at the high school, but also the headmistress. Tanja Oberhofer shared the feeling of excitement on the first day with the freshmen.

Water castle – “A good start with lots of fun at school!” This was the wish of the new headmistress of the Luitpold-Gymnasium Wasserburg, Tanja Oberhofertheir four new fifth grade classes before they were led to their classrooms by their respective class teachers. Together with their parents, the 119 new students among the total of 790 students also received a lot of information to help them get used to the conditions and customs in their new school home as quickly as possible. As a souvenir, everyone was given a mug with the motif to mark the start of this new phase of their lives.

Oberhofer began her welcome by saying that everyone gathered here in the gym should feel like a member of the school family. She could understand that some people felt a little uneasy in the unfamiliar surroundings, as it was also their first official day of school at the Luitpold-Gymnasium and they had a lot to expect. But it was also something special for all parents to see their child become a little more independent. She was convinced that everyone would settle in quickly and make friends. A lot of people would make sure that this was successful.

Lower school supervisor Andrea Kaltenhauser introduced the 24 tutors who help with the start.
Lower school supervisor Andrea Kaltenhauser introduced the 24 tutors who help with the start. © Rieger

Gymnasium Wasserburg: 24 tutors help with orientation

These include the 24 tutorswhich were introduced by the junior school supervisor Andrea Kaltenhauser. In six groups, they will accompany the “first-graders” through their first year of school and carry out numerous activities with them. Next week, for example, there will be a school building rally, which is intended to help them find their way around the building even better.

How parents and students can also use digital access via Parent and student portal Deputy headmaster Manfred Strobl explained that they could inform students about the processes in school operations. Less effort with sick notes, which no longer have to be purchased over the phone, and transparency with exam dates and homework should ensure less stress.

Bus travel and afternoon care

For some, the bus ride feels like a trip around the world, the Bus representative Dr. Johannes Hain. But everyone had the advantage of not having to take the train, he noted with a smile, because the buses were generally on time. Since he couldn’t know about every exception and stop, he asked the parents to contact the respective bus company if they had special questions.

Over 50 children will also die Care Svetlana Drubel therefore also informed about this possibility at the school, which is primarily used by lower school children.

“Light school bag” campaign

The chairman of the parents’ council, Markus J. Schwalb, offered to be the contact person for problems or new ideas. In particular, he pointed out the “light school bag” campaign, which reduced the amount of lugging around books by providing double books for the core subjects.

After all the students had been guided to their classes, everyone was able to finally Parents’ Council Coffee and cake were offered to get to know each other better and to exchange ideas before the school routine finally began.