
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Sustainability only works holistically – TUM

Sustainability only works holistically – TUM

Four people from four different countries and four different universities discuss a current topic in research and teaching. The series “One Topic, One Loop” begins with an initial question, to which the first person answers and the next person asks another question on the topic. The series ends again with the first person answering the last question – and finally reflecting on all previous answers. The topic of the first season was Large Language Models and their influence on research and teaching. In the second season we look at how universities can integrate sustainability into their infrastructure and their daily activities.

Our authors are: Werner Lang, TUM Vice President for Sustainable Transformation, Alyssa Gilbert, Director of Innovation, Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial London, Christine Nellemann, Dean for Sustainability, Technical University of Denmark, and Sarah Billington, UPS Foundation Professor and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University.