
topicnews · September 10, 2024

How to get your intestines moving again – Extremnews – The slightly different news

How to get your intestines moving again – Extremnews – The slightly different news

Chronic constipation can be very unpleasant for those affected. The good news: In addition to sufficient fluid intake and exercise, certain foods can get a sluggish bowel moving. Dietary fiber is the magic word here, writes the health magazine “Apotheken Umschau”.

Exercise acts like a bowel massage

A guideline published in 2021 by two professional societies for gastroenterology gives two pieces of advice. First: drink enough. One and a half to two liters is the best amount. Second: exercise. Even two weeks of not exercising can cause the intestines to become sluggish, even in healthy people. Dr. Reinhold Gellner, head of the nutritional medicine department at the Medical University Hospital B in Münster, has observed: “Exercise acts like a gentle intestinal massage and promotes the transport of food.”

But what if you drink enough, exercise a lot and still have problems going to the bathroom? Then diet comes into play. Dietary fiber, also known as dietary fiber, is a substance in plant-based foods that cannot be broken down in the small intestine, but can be broken down by bacteria in the large intestine. Dietary fiber binds water, thereby increasing stool volume and regenerating the intestine. The German Nutrition Society recommends 30 grams of it every day.

Switch to a high-fiber diet

Dietary fiber is mainly found in plant-based foods: whole grain products, legumes, vegetables and fruit. For example, plums – even in the form of prunes – improve stool consistency and stool frequency. As a preventative measure, it is also a good idea to change your diet accordingly. Anyone who has previously eaten mainly white bread, meat and snacks may initially react with flatulence and a rumbling stomach. “The intestine is a creature of habit,” says nutritional doctor Gellner, “it takes several weeks to get used to a different diet.”

Source: Wort & Bild Publishing Group – Health News (ots)