
topicnews · September 10, 2024

1. Class North – All match reports of the league: From Apetlon to Purbach

1. Class North – All match reports of the league: From Apetlon to Purbach

Apetlon – Podersdorf 0:2The home team got off to a better start and were clearly superior, but hardly had any clear chances to score. After a good 20 minutes, Podersdorf got stronger and created one or two good opportunities, while Apetlon’s Filip Krchnak put a penalty well over the goal. After the restart, there was a penalty for the UFC, but Zsolt Böcskey also missed because goalie Matej Strapak had guessed the corner. The 0-1 came in the 65th minute through an own goal by Tomas Bagi, who very unfortunately headed the ball into the top corner from a good 15 meters. Podersdorf remained superior and Donat Szücs made it 2-0 with a great solo effort in the 88th minute. “We did not play as a team that day, it was really very disappointing,” lamented SCA coach Elvir Ibrahimovic. “Given the second half, the win is certainly okay,” said Podersdorf coach Franz Ziniel.

Purbach – Hornstein 1:0. The spectators certainly did not see a football festival that day. There were hardly any scoring opportunities on either side and the match was a textbook midfield skirmish. Hornstein had more of the ball, but they lacked the necessary punch. Christoph Berger scored the only goal of the match in the 38th minute after an error by the Hornstein defense. “The 1-0 lead was never really in danger,” said Purbach coach Patrick Castek. “It was one of the weakest games I have ever seen from us,” emphasized Hornstein coach Sebastian Reinprecht.

Breitenbrunn – Mönchhof 0:4This game was decided in the first 45 minutes. Thanks to a brace from Patrick Enz and further goals from Kaique da Silva Carlos and Antonio Vidovic, the score was already 4:0 for FC Mönchhof at half-time. In the second half, the guests switched down three gears and managed the result, which did not change. “We completely slept through the first half and our attitude was also not right,” said Breitenbrunn coach Wolfgang Mayer. “The opponent was very harmless and we deserved to win,” said Mönchhof defense chief Theo Koch.

Zurndorf – Oggau 0:1After 20 minutes, it could have been 3-0 for UFC Oggau, but instead it was only 1-0 through Michael Högerl in the 8th minute. Zurndorf tried to equalize, but they simply failed to take advantage of their chances and so the score remained 0-1. “The Oggau win is fine,” admitted Zurndorf section leader Rafael Brandl. “We were the better team and the three points were never really in danger,” as Oggau section leader Rafael Brandl clarified.

Wallern – NSC Juniors 1:2. Neusiedl was clearly superior from the first minute, which is why the 1-0 lead with a header from Tugay Arslan after 19 minutes was also acceptable. The 2-0 for the Juniors came in the 33rd minute with a converted penalty from Arlsan. After half-time, Wallern found their way into the game a little better and scored a goal after just under an hour after a corner kick and the subsequent goals from Erik Takac. After that, Wallern weakened itself. Simon Marko was shown a red card for an assault, Stanislav Morhac for insulting and Oliver Theiler yellow-red for two tactical fouls and so the seaside town team deservedly won 2-1. “We took away the chance of a draw ourselves,” explained USC coach René Hoffmann. NSC section manager Stefan Denk: “The bottom line is that the win was deserved.”

Nickelsdorf – Sankt Andrä 2:2. The first 45 minutes clearly belonged to the hosts, who managed to take the edge off Sankt Andrä and deservedly took the lead through Robert Kovacs in the 42nd minute. After Filip Janovsky’s red card (57th) and the 2-0, Leo Kellner seemed to have decided the game after 71 minutes. Sankt Andrä showed morale, fought back and a brace from arguably the most dangerous player in the league. Lukas Cambal gave Guttmann’s team a 2-2 draw. “In hindsight it’s a bit bitter, but a point against the top favorite is more than OK,” said Nickelsdorf section manager Michael Liedl. “In the end it was a fair draw,” said St. Andrä coach Michael Guttmann happily.

Frauenkirchen – Neufeld 4:1. The so-called “coach effect” has struck again. After the dismissal of the coaching duo Yasin Bakar and Karl Höflich, Frauenkirchen has regained its old strength. Tomas Szöllös quickly put the SCF in the lead with a brace (9th and 18th). The guests were able to make it 2-1 through Fabian Stein shortly before half-time, but goals from Kevin Kurcsis and Julian Schmit in the second half led to the final score of 4-1. “In my opinion, the result is fine even at this level,” said Frauenkirchen captain Kevin Kurcsis. “Our opponents simply wanted the win more, but the result was too clear,” analyzed Neufeld’s player-coach Fatih Bas.

SC Apetlon – UFC Podersdorf 0:2 (0:0).-

Goal sequence: 0:1 (65th) Bagi (ET), 0:2 (88th) Szücs.-

Reserve: 4:0 (Bors, Tschida, Stefan Payer, Eöri).-

SR: Maxharri.-Apetlon, 440.

Apetlon: Strapak; Sebastian Matz, Bagi, Ambrus, Fabio Haider; Papp, Scheiblhofer (70. Lukas Payer); Lentsch (66. Thaler), Szücs, Krchnak; Turna.

Podersdorf: Köllö; Szücs, Balint Nagy, Csizmadia, Füleki; Florian Steiner (46. Lahcen), Simon Lentsch; Nagy, Vayer, Kolarik; Böcskey.

SC Breitenbrunn – FC Mönchhof 0:4 (0:4).-

Goal sequence: 0:1 (6th) Enz, 0:2 (12th) Kaique, 0:3 (15th) Vidovic, 0:4 (39th) Enz.-

Reserve: 0:2 (Aagaard, Bastian Beck).–

SR: Pllana.-Breitenbrunn, 150.

Breitenbrunn: Böhm; Lechner (86. Vockenhuber), Reiterits (46. Zankovitsch), Majercak, Pichler (62. Graßl); Mieselberger (73. Gajic), Strahammer, Schneider, Pastinsky; Reeh; Kollar.

Mönchhof: Thomas Beck; De Souza (62. Daniel Lentsch), Florian Karner, Gicic, Koch, Elias Luisser; Philipp Karner, Julian Luisser; Caique (69. Kirschner), Vidovic (62. Gollowitzer), Enz (82. Stefan Lentsch).

UFC Purbach – ASV Coldamaris Hornstein 1:0 (1:0).-

Goal: 1:0 (38.) Berger.-

Reserve: 1:2 (Dovits; Saadi, Ertl).-

SR: Akar.-Purbach, 150.

Purbach: Hajtmanek; Pogatscher, Berger, FarkasTakacs; Kopf (46. Schmidt), Dominik Wimmer, Iacovino-Protiwa, Nico Wimmer (61. Ivantschitz); Gencer (68. Gmeiner), Rosner.

Chert: Lukas Rosenbauch; Wady, Gaubmann, Reich (90. Pleninger), Pogats (61. Akyüz); Wörndl, Sadowski, Sara; Bojdas, Niklas, Orosz.

SC Frauenkirchen – ASV Poolshop Austria Neufeld 4:1 (2:1).-

Goal sequence: 1:0 (9th) Szöllös, 2:0 (18th) Szöllös, 2:1 (38th) Stein, 3:1 (59th) Kurcsis, 4:1 (75th) Schmid.-+

Reserve: cancelled.

SR: Beechnut.- Frauenkirchen, 120.

Frauenkirchen: Brown ice; Birschitzky, Weigl, Derka, Ettl (84th pawn); Smith, Gollowitzer (56. Haszonits); Dohansky, Antol, Szollös; Kurcsis.

Newfield: grazer; Pichler, Matthias Wachter (67th Baumgartner), Hauptvogel, Zivojinovic (67th Zivojinovic); Stein (87th Ahmadi), Stanojcic (67th Renger), Grafl, Woborny; Serifoski (67. Ikic); Michael Draga.

ASV Zurndorf – UFC Oggau 0:1 (0:1).-

Goal: 0:1 (8.) Högerl.-

Reserve: 3:0 (Schweigl 2, Drescher).-

SR: Sahin.-Zurndorf, 200.

Zurndorf: Veber; Beidl (80. Sattler), Bojnak, Prakisch, Szoka; Fertsak, Unger; Reiter (50. Meixner), Nevrivy (60. Manev), Durek; Pethö.

Ogg: Furik; Böck (88. Julian Schmit), Grassl, Pichlhöfer, Marcel Schummi (75. Florian Kucher); Hamdaoui, Pejic; HögerlChristopher Schummi (55th row), Andreas Werner; Marcsik.

USC Wallern – NSC Juniors 1:2 (0:2).-

Goal sequence: 0:1 (19th) Arslan, 0:2 (33rd) Arslan, 1:2 (58th) Takac.-

Red cards: Marko (73., assault), Morhac (86., insult).-

Yellow-red card: Oliver Theiler (80th, unsportsmanlike conduct).-

Reserve: 2:1 (Michlits, fight; Schefberger).-

SR: Kruisz.-Wallern, 150.

Catfish: Schwarz; Schrammel, Steiner (66. Haider), Morhac, Fabian Perlinger (83. Michlits); Engelbert, Janisch (66. Leurer); Oliver Theiler, Takac, Pichler; Marko.

Neusiedl: Mödlhammer; Michal Maas, Haider, Sonnleitner, Dacic (46. Kirschner); MillnerFekete; Matej Maas, Vlna (46. Braunschmidt), Strommer (78. Sajtos); Arslan.

ASV Nickelsdorf – FC Veganis Sankt Andrä 2:2 (1:0).-

Goal sequence: 1:0 (42′) Kovacs, 2:0 (71′) Kellner, 2:1 (73′) Cambal, 2:2 (75′) Cambal.-

Red card: Janovsky (57., unsportsmanlike conduct).-

Reserve: cancelled.

SR: Szombati.-Nickelsdorf, 200.

Nickelsdorf: Takacs; Alexander Scherhaufer, Hinken, HorváthSemyan; Weisz, Orosz (67. Kellner), Schütz, Kovacs (73. Konya); Varga, Dzaferovic.

St. Andrew: Orlando; MuminovicZiniel (19th Janovsky), Horvath, Durmaz (63rd Maximilian Pfeffer); Györvari; Bors, Sabo, machoMichalik; Cambal.
