
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Furtwangen: More than 70 drivers will take part

Furtwangen: More than 70 drivers will take part

Furtwangen – This summer, enthusiastic biker and city councilor Anja Siedle initiated a fundraising mountain bike ride on the actual date of the 2024 Black Forest Bike Marathon, after the popular race could not take place for organizational reasons.

Since there were no official registrations, Siedle did not know how the call would be received until the tour began on Saturday. After all, around 30 riders, most of them from outside Furtwangen, had already registered to take part.

When more than 70 riders gathered on the market square at 3 p.m. for the start of the tour, they were calm and satisfied. Siedle was particularly positive about the good team spirit during this ride on the traditional 42-kilometer route of the marathon.

Kriegsmann started in three groups. And these groups stayed together for the entire trip. We stopped every now and then until the slower riders in each group had returned. All participants attach great importance to this.

For the front, slightly smaller group, the sporting challenge was still important. They arrived back at the market square after just over two hours. The other two groups, on the other hand, were on the road for about three hours – after all, the charity tour was not a race, but a leisurely ride.

The use of public roads also worked without any problems in some places, provided that the road traffic regulations were strictly observed. The only problem was at the Großhausberg junction when crossing the busy southern tangent.

The participants also stop for refreshments at Katharinenhöhe, for which money was collected during this fundraising tour. Some donations had already been made to the organizers and the city administration beforehand. The donation box on the market square was also eagerly filled.

Stefan Maier, head of the Katharinenhöhe clinic, and Mayor Josef Herdner were also impressed by the success of the event. The city invited the participants to a small drink after they returned to the market square, which was gladly taken advantage of in the summer weather.

Review of the trip

Organizer Anja Siedle concluded that the fundraising ride was entirely positive. At the same time, they again called for donations for Katharinenhöhe and the planned extension. This can be done using the keyword fundraising ride via the Schwarzwald-Bike-Marathon association’s account at Sparkasse Schwarzwald-Baar, IBAN: DE36 6945 0065 0026 0290 26.