
topicnews · September 9, 2024

Company introduces itself: Interested students at the Business Day

Company introduces itself: Interested students at the Business Day

Two students brought their applications with them – and took the opportunity to hand the documents to the company boss: The eighth-graders now want to learn the secrets of trailer construction during an internship. They and their classmates already got their first insights at the Business Day – and learned from managing director Jens Moetefindet, among other things, that each of the trailers, on which vintage or luxury cars are transported, for example, is a tailor-made, hand-crafted construction.

But these were just some of the impressions that the visitors gathered at the Business Day. Visitors learned how much the professional world of metal construction has changed, for example at the Mayr & Wilhelm company, where they saw the manufacture of tube bundle heat exchangers for refineries and the chemical industry. “Craftsmanship today has nothing to do with craftsmanship in 1990 or even 2000,” stressed Managing Director Alexander Wilhelm.

The other companies also provided interesting insights into the diverse world of business in the Harburg district. Many people did not want to miss this: The “Business Day”, which the district administration’s district development/economic development/mobility department organized as an open day for companies, was once again a great success. Around 750 visitors took up the offer from a total of 18 companies, which opened their doors for company tours and allowed a look behind the scenes. Around 560 students from grades 9 to 11 used the tours for career orientation.

The “homemade trailer” was on display during the tour of Moetefindt | Photo: Harburg District

“With the ‘Day of Business’ we are making the high performance and the broad range of industries of the Harburg district as a business location visible and tangible.” “I would like to thank the companies involved for making this possible again and for giving many exciting insights into the inner workings of their companies as well as into work processes, technology and production methods,” said District Administrator Rainer Rempe at the end of his company visits. “This is an important contribution to career orientation, especially for young people: many are not aware of the wide range of professional opportunities and chances that exist here locally.” At the same time, many companies are looking for skilled workers and trainees and were able to use the opportunity to present themselves.”

Work processes such as welding are presented during the factory tours | Photo: Harburg District

The district administrator highlighted the positive economic development of recent years: “The district offers excellent location conditions for companies. The number of companies and jobs has been increasing for years. Since 2015 alone, over 114,000 new jobs have been created.” With this growth, the Harburg district ranked well above the state and national average. “We want to continue to drive this trend forward together with the companies,” said District Administrator Rempe.