
topicnews · September 9, 2024

Police seek witnesses to drive-by shooting on street corner

Police seek witnesses to drive-by shooting on street corner

After the fatal shooting on the Schöneberg street prostitution street, the Berlin police are looking for witnesses. The investigators are also hoping for possible photos and video recordings from the night of the crime.

Unknown assailants are said to have shot at a 42-year-old man and his 44-year-old companions from a car on Bülowstrasse, corner of Potsdamer Strasse. According to the Berlin public prosecutor’s office, the younger man died of his gunshot wounds. He was the rapper and social worker “Challa”, who grew up in Berlin as a Turkish citizen. The other man, who was a brother of the victim according to “Bild”, was injured. An uninvolved passerby (42), a Brazilian, was also injured and underwent surgery in hospital.

Car with Bulgarian license plate

According to dpa information, the perpetrators were sitting in a car with Bulgarian license plates. A spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office spoke of a drive-by shooting. The term is used for shooting while driving past.

Investigators are now asking:

  • Who was on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at around 1 a.m. at Bülowstrasse at the corner of Potsdamer Strasse the shots were fired and can provide information about it?
  • who has Photos and/or videos of the crime/s committed and can send these to the homicide squad?
  • Who can relevant information make that are related to the actual or the act?
  • Who can provide information that Naming the suspect can lead?
  • Please send any information to the 7th Homicide Squad at Keithstraße 30 in 10787 Berlin-Tiergarten by phone at (030) 4664-911777, by email to [email protected] or to any other police station.

The crime scene on Bülowstrasse, corner of Potsdamer Strasse, is a busy traffic artery in Berlin. The area is considered to be part of the red light district. (Tsp, dpa)

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