
topicnews · September 9, 2024

PlayStation 5 Pro price analysis: How much should the PS5 Pro cost?

PlayStation 5 Pro price analysis: How much should the PS5 Pro cost?

Will the PlayStation 5 Pro reach the €600 mark? The pros and cons (Logo / Photo: Sony Interactive / Montage: GamesWirtschaft)

Will the €600 mark fall? With the launch of the PlayStation 5 Pro, the RRP cards would also be reshuffled – what scenarios are conceivable with regard to the price?

You have to look very closely to spot the stylized console that Sony Interactive has created in the “30 years of PlayStation”graphics – including the note that there will be news soon. This means that it is only a matter of a few days until the PlayStation 5 Pro is officially announced. It is quite likely that the device will be available in stores in time for the Christmas season, in November at the latest.

Aside from the technical specifications and the specific release date, the question remains: What recommended retail price can we expect for the PS5 Pro? The range of estimates from industry observers and analysts is enormous and goes up to €700.

Despite a sharp decline in data storage sales and a download market share of 80%, Sony is likely to continue to equip the new top model with a Blu-Ray drive – for two reasons:

  • Firstly, because the PS5 Pro target group will consist of core gamers, at least at launch, including many switchers. For this clientele, the drive is particularly important with regard to the games shelf.
  • Secondly, this continues to justify a surcharge of €100 between the Digital Edition (current RRP: €449.99) and the drive model (€549.99), which has been consistently maintained since the market launch in November 2020.
Die "30 years of PlayStation"-Graphic contains an unmistakable reference to the PlayStation 5 Pro (Image: Sony Interactive)
The “30 Years of PlayStation” graphic contains an unmistakable reference to the PlayStation 5 Pro (Image: Sony Interactive)

The rumored technical power of the PlayStation 5 Pro will (have to) be reflected in the price – at the same time, the device offers an opportunity to make the tariffs of the existing series more attractive, also with a view to Christmas, when Sony will be going without its own blockbuster for the first time since 2021.

What will not change: The PlayStation 5 is and remains clearly more expensive than the previous generation. For comparison: the slimmer PlayStation 4 Slim with disc drive was only €299.99 at launch in September 2016 – the price of the PlayStation 4 Pro is €399.99. Customers today can only dream of these conditions at best.

What are the pros and cons of the discussed price levels of the PlayStation 5 Pro?

599,99 € – It is unlikely to get much cheaper if Sony wants to continue selling consoles at a cost-covering price (which management has set as a clear goal). If the prices of the existing models were reduced to the original launch prices of €399.99 (Digital Edition) and €499.99 (with disc drive), this would result in an easily communicable triad – €400, €500, €600.

649,99 € – The middle way between “amazingly inexpensive” and “amazingly expensive” Leaves room for irregular price promotions and bundles: Similar to the PlayStation 5 that has been available so far (which has often been available for under €500), the Pro price could be reduced to under €600 for a short time. Due to the thin margins, the price of the Slim consoles will not be able to drop significantly, even if customers and retailers desperately want this: Entry into the PlayStation 5 world via the Digital Edition will therefore probably not start at less than €399.99.

699,99 € – This RRP costs €300 (!) more than the launch price of the PlayStation 4 Pro – and would only make sense if the chips used were used in blockbusters such as Grand Theft Auto 6, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Or Marvel’s Wolverine Make a clearly visible difference: better refresh rate, more details, higher resolution, more spectacular light and shadow effects. The signal: If you are a “real” core gamer and want the best performance available on the market, you have to dig deeper into your pockets.

Regardless of the price, the launch of the PlayStation 5 Pro will ensure that significantly more used PS5 devices end up on eBay & Co. – which will enable price-sensitive gamers with limited budgets to upgrade. After all, there are still millions of PlayStation 4 consoles in use in German households that could be replaced with this one.