
topicnews · September 9, 2024

650 runners took part in the Sachsenwaldlauf 2024

650 runners took part in the Sachsenwaldlauf 2024

Schwarzenbek. On Sunday, TSV Schwarzenbek hosted the Sachsenwaldlauf for the 43rd time. Around 650 participants met on the sports field at Schützenpark to compete in six distances.

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In the anniversary year – the TSV has been in existence for 125 years – the conditions were perfect. Good weather, good atmosphere, good conditions. Around 45 helpers made sure that everything went smoothly. The organizing team led by Dirk Habenicht began preparations nine months ago.

Participants between three and 81 years

“The Sachsenwaldlauf is one of the most traditional events in northern Germany,” said Michaela Buck from the management team. “We are delighted that so many participants have registered in Schwarzenbek, especially as there are other running events this weekend.” The TSV, once founded by a small sports community, is now the largest sports club in the district with around 3,100 members.

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The runners on Sunday were between three and 81 years old. The youngest started in the Bambini run with 400 meters: a lap around the sports field. Before that, the participants in the half marathon (21 kilometers) started. The route led mainly through the shady forest. In total, the participants could choose from six distances.

After the run, all participants were given drinks and refreshments.

Mayor Norbert Lütjens was taking part for the first time. He had no previous running experience and was therefore trained for the five-kilometer route. “When I started running, I was pretty out of breath after the first 800 meters,” said Lütjens. “I now enjoy running so much that I want to do 10 kilometers next year.”

The drum group from the Louisenhof in Müssen was one of the many helpers who supported the Sachsenwaldlauf. They cheered on the runners at the start with drum rolls. After the run, the participants were able to fortify themselves with bananas, muesli and drinks, which were also provided by helpers.

A cake buffet is available for the numerous visitors. They can also get involved themselves. Some departments have set up stands where children and young people can try out their sporting skills. There will be a new edition of the Sachsenwaldlauf next year. It will be repeated. Registrations are possible from January.