
topicnews · September 9, 2024

Information meeting in the morning: Scholz will talk to the Union about asylum issues

Information meeting in the morning: Scholz will talk to the Union about asylum issues

The debate about a stricter migration policy continues. Now Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has approached the Union. This and other topics of the morning with Bernhard Seiler.

In an interview with ZDF, Scholz said he wanted to set up effective border management with the help of the opposition. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) supports the demand of CSU leader Markus Söder to reduce the number of first-time Turkish asylum applications to under 100,000.

They agree on the issue of migration: CSU leader Söder and FDP leader Lindner called for a significant reduction in asylum applications in the report from Berlin. Migration is “…

However, on ARD he avoided the question of whether he thinks it is legally possible to turn away migrants at the German border: “We want to do what is legally possible – and there must and should be some form of rejection.” That is my political statement. I cannot anticipate the talks that are being held between the government, the states and the CDU/CSU opposition. […] We need control and consistency when it comes to immigration. “We are putting our country’s cosmopolitanism at risk if people feel that this will result in a loss of security,” said Scholz.

“Task Force Deportations” proposed

The Association of Towns and Municipalities also wants more people to be turned away. It is pushing for a “deportation task force” at the federal level. General Manager Andre Berghegger said in the “Rheinische Post” that it was right to do more to ensure that people without a right to remain return to their countries of origin. In addition, the police union was open to turning away asylum seekers at the German border under certain conditions. GdP head Andreas Roßkopf told the newspaper that it must be ensured that the rejection is carried out and that no legal problems arise later. Roßkopf also stressed that the federal police are already working at their limits.

School starts in Baden-Württemberg

For around 1.5 million pupils in Baden-Württemberg, classes start again today after six weeks of summer holidays. 15,000 additional pupils are expected at primary schools in Baden-Württemberg. The reasons for this are the baby boomers and the continued high influx of people, especially from Ukraine. Education Minister Theresa Schopper (Greens) speaks of a “major challenge” because 500 new classes would have to be formed.
The new school year will be different from previous ones – because there are some innovations due to the planned education reforms.