
topicnews · September 9, 2024

Troisdorf: Good start for the smarT:app | Kommune21

Troisdorf: Good start for the smarT:app | Kommune21

[9.9.2024] With the smarT:app, Troisdorf provides citizens with a digital everyday companion. From the defect reporter to the participation portal to the AI ​​chatbot, waste calendar or the integrated mobility card, many useful functions are integrated, which is why it is well received by citizens.

Troisdorf has been offering the so-called smarT:app since June 2024. As the North Rhine-Westphalian city reports, it is a digital everyday companion with a variety of functions. These include a defect reporter, a participation portal, the city’s AI chatbot or a waste calendar with a reminder function. A uniform events calendar informs you what is going on in the city. The app also contains the latest news about Troisdorf. A special highlight is the integrated mobility map. They combine all sharing offers and live information on local public transport (ÖPNV) in a central overview. App users can track departure times and possible delays of buses and trains in real time. Car sharing services or bicycle and e-scooter rental are also integrated. The app also shows the current availability of parking spaces around Spich train station and in the ÖPA parking garages. “With the smarT:app we are implementing a central project of our smart city strategy,” says Fabian Wagner, digitization officer for the city of Troisdorf. “Especially with the integrated mobility function, the smarT:app is one of the most innovative city app solutions in Germany.” The city is nevertheless continuously developing the app, as project manager Max Schwerhoff reports: “We are currently working on how we can combine excursion and leisure locations with climate data and present them clearly.” The app is already well received by citizens, Troisdorf reports. It has already been downloaded more than 4,000 times. A competition at the launch of the app also contributed to this, with participants being able to win an iPhone. 1,600 people took part. (we)

Keywords: Portals, CMS, Apps, Troisdorf, Smart City

Image source: City of Troisdorf