
topicnews · September 8, 2024

Three fastening methods – which one is right for you?

Three fastening methods – which one is right for you?

  1. Sauerland Courier
  2. Life
  3. Health

With interval fasting, you should avoid food for 16 hours a day – you can eat in the remaining 8 hours. This fasting method promises success in losing weight. © Depositphotos/IMAGO

Fasting is more than just losing weight. It can also prolong life and prevent disease. Find out which method is right for you.

Fasting is known to aid planned weight loss, protect against various diseases, and even extend lifespan. When the body is not busy digesting food, the organs can perform more effective cellular cleansing processes. It is therefore believed that age-related diseases can be avoided through improved energy metabolism and cellular protection. The beneficial effects of fasting are attributed to various fasting methods, including therapeutic and intermittent fasting. All approaches involve completely or partially abstaining from solid food, certain foods, or drinks for a set period of time. But which fasting method is right for you?

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Traditional therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger: This method is not suitable for everyone

The best-known form of fasting is the Buchinger therapeutic fast, in which no solid food is allowed. During the fasting period, only tea, water, juices and vegetable broth may be consumed. Fasters therefore consume a maximum of 500 calories per day. Fasting is usually done for a period of five days to three weeks. Experts from the consumer advice center recommend that people who are undergoing therapeutic fasting receive support from trained doctors or fasting companions during this time.

Therapeutic fasting is intended to detoxify the body, cleanse the organs and stimulate the body’s own healing processes. It is also intended to reduce inflammation. Although therapeutic fasting is suitable for those new to fasting, this method requires a high level of discipline. Headaches, mild dizziness and mood swings can occur in the first few days.

Intermittent fasting: abstain from eating for 16 hours

In addition to traditional therapeutic fasting, there are now other methods that are easier to implement. With 16:8 intermittent fasting, you abstain from food for around 16 hours a day and skip one meal. In the remaining eight hours, you can eat normally. With the 5:2 method, you eat normally on five days a week and very little on two days. You should drink plenty of fluids during intermittent fasting, but only calorie-free drinks such as water, unsweetened tea and a maximum of two to three cups of black coffee are allowed.

The advantage of interval fasting is that it can be easily integrated into everyday life and is therefore also suitable for beginners. Nevertheless, the method has a positive effect on health. In both variants, the body has to live off its reserves for a short time, which effectively reduces dangerous belly fat. At the same time, the metabolism is not reduced and muscle mass is maintained. In contrast to longer fasting cures or crash diets, the dreaded yo-yo effect can be avoided, as the North German Broadcasting (NDR) However, intermittent fasting is said to increase the risk of dying from a heart attack.

1 to 1 method: Alternating fasting or alternate day fasting

The 1 to 1 method, also known as alternating fasting or alternate day fasting, requires that those who want to lose weight eat normally one day, fast the next day, eat normally again the day after that, and so on. On the fasting days, the calorie intake is reduced to a maximum of 600 calories. Alternating between eating and fasting not only leads to weight loss, but according to a study by the Karl-Franzens University of Graz, which was published in the specialist journal Cell metabolism published, also leads to an improvement in blood values. However, alternate-day fasting requires strong willpower and discipline. Those who persevere will be rewarded with various positive effects such as an improved metabolism and a healthy immune system.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It is in no way a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not permitted to answer individual questions about medical conditions.