
topicnews · September 8, 2024

Appeal for ultimatum: Habeck urges Union to take a “solid” course in migration policy

Appeal for ultimatum: Habeck urges Union to take a “solid” course in migration policy

During a visit to Thessaloniki, Economics Minister Habeck made an appeal to the Union. There is a clear need for action in migration policy. Such an important issue should not be burdened with ultimatums.

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck is calling on the Union to take a “solid” course in migration policy. The Green politician said on the sidelines of a visit to Thessaloniki, Greece, with a view to the federal states, the Union’s office has a series of interior ministers. “It is not forbidden for the Bundestag faction to talk to their interior ministers about which legal options are possible or not.” And my expectation, my wish, and possibly my appeal would be to work solidly in this area. And that also includes always considering the European consequences.”

There is a clear need for action in migration policy. Such an important issue should not be burdened with ultimatums, said Habeck in response to statements by CDU leader Friedrich Merz.

The traffic light coalition wants to quickly push through the Bundestag a security package in response to the Islamist-motivated terrorist attack in Solingen that left three people dead and eight injured.

The CDU/CSU opposition had already made it clear when presenting the package that it did not consider the measures proposed in it to be sufficient. CDU leader Merz demanded that the traffic light coalition agree to border controls and the rejection of refugees at the borders as a prerequisite for the Union’s participation in further migration talks between the government, opposition and states. The latter is controversial, especially among the Greens.

Habeck said in Thessaloniki that the topic of migration had also been discussed during a conversation with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Many refugees were travelling on to Germany from Greece.
