
topicnews · September 8, 2024

How the first Kids-Day in the Kämmerei-Quartier went

How the first Kids-Day in the Kämmerei-Quartier went

“I think it’s great that this Kids’ Day came about,” says Economics Senator Kristina Vogt (Left Party). She came to Blumenthal on Sunday evening to open the first Children’s Day in the Kämmerei district. Between the tall buildings there was plenty of space for the long row of stalls at a flea market for children, for stalls selling candy floss or falafel, for a small carousel, the large bouncy castle and the bungee trampoline.

With the Blumenthal Integrated Development Concept, more money is available for the district, says Kristina Vogt, “and that is why this Kids’ Day was possible. “The commercial settlement has been successful in the past five years, and in addition to many new projects, such as the renovation of the Old Town Hall, there are also new events in the Kämmerei Quarter,” she says.

Program until late evening

After there had already been a folk festival with a market in August, a children’s day was now on the programme, which lasted until late in the evening. In the morning, children were already queuing up at the bungee trampoline to swing to lofty heights with little leg strength and even do a forward roll. Things were more tranquil when the little ones went round in circles on the children’s carousel on the Jumbo elephant or white horses. At the bouncy castle, which was beckoned to by a large pirate head at the entrance, things got loud with the screaming children on the real slide. Many parents had taken the opportunity to get rid of old children’s clothes or shoes – but the tables at the flea market, organised by the Wolle Kids daycare centre, were also filled with stuffed animals, Barbie dolls, games and children’s books.

The Blumenthal youth fire brigade, which currently has 44 young people active, was represented by 28 young people. “Fortunately, we don’t have any problems with recruiting,” says André Wessel from the Blumenthal volunteer fire brigade, “but with more than 1,000 operations per year, we also need a lot of staff.” “We were very busy last week because of the heavy rain, sucking or pumping out water,” he says.

After her tour with local authority manager Oliver Fröhlich, Senator for Economic Affairs Kristina Vogt also took advantage of the fire department’s offer to practice extinguishing the fire with a hose. She aimed the water jet at a model of a house wall, where she had to hit the windows behind which the fire was virtually burning.

Detlev Hansing, church councillor of the Bremen-Blumenthal community, believes that events like this Kids Day bring people together. “Many families meet here and get to know new people.” But we need to invest more money in daycare centres and primary schools. “Because a good education is extremely important, especially for the little ones,” he says.

The Voice participants on stage

From midday, several clubs from Bremen-Nord presented a participatory program between music and magic, and in the afternoon, Education Senator Sascha Aulepp (SPD) presented the winners of the painting competition, which was taking place at the same time that day. And a little later, Linus Schumacher, Sorlo Hoffmann and Georgia Balke from the shows The Voice and The Voice Kids showed off their musical skills live on stage. The well-attended Kids’ Day came to a close with the band Triple B.

“This event in the Kämmerei-Quartier should not be the last,” says Christian Milpacker from the Blumenthal Citizens’ Foundation Association, “even if the organization and implementation means an enormous amount of effort.”

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