
topicnews · September 8, 2024

Pixel Pro smartphones: Difficulties surrounding the thermometer sensor – developers provide insights

Pixel Pro smartphones: Difficulties surrounding the thermometer sensor – developers provide insights


Google has been using the Thermometer sensor in the Pixel Pro smartphones, which after a long time has finally been released for European users to measure body temperature. On this occasion, we would like to give you a brief insight into the challenges the engineers had to deal with during development and how the overall concept may be questioning itself.

Pixel Pro smartphones: Difficulties surrounding the thermometer sensor – developers provide insights

The Google Pixel 8 Pro is the first smartphone ever to receive approval for body temperature measurement in the USA and was able to activate this function with an update. It would take almost another year for this approval to be achieved for European users – but now it is finally here. For a few days now, the sensor can also be used to measure body temperature in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries. And this is not a temporary matter, because the articles in the Google blog and the early Pixel 9 leaks indicate that Google will probably stick with this sensor for a long time.

When the thermometer sensor first appeared in leaks almost two years ago, many observers thought it was a well-made joke, not least because of the type and duration of the measurement. Users cannot simply hold the sensor against their skin, but the measurement takes place at a small distance from the skin – in all examples, the forehead is used for this. The cover image above also comes from this news.

Now Google’s engineers have given interesting insights into the development and the problems that arose. In fact, measuring the exact distance of 1 to 1.5 cm is not that easy. Since users cannot see the device itself, a series of signals and haptic feedback have been developed to make this easier. But why did they use them in the first place?

They wanted to keep it contactless
The team was keen to keep the sensor contactless to prevent the spread of germs. That sounds like a good idea at first, but what makes sense for a forehead thermometer doesn’t necessarily have to be the same for a smartphone. While an infrared thermometer also supports longer distances, Google’s Pixel sensor only supports a good centimeter – and you have to hold it first. It is very likely that the device will be brought too close to the skin during the measurement or shortly before.

In addition, the smartphone has to be touched anyway, because you are holding it in your hand. The few centimeters of forehead skin are then no longer important. The description also states that the sensor is intended for personal use and for measuring children. You would also be protecting yourself from your own germs or those of your children. Here too, I think that the smartphone would definitely not be the primary means of distribution.

The sensor certainly has its advantages, but the description in the Google blog shows that the most important arguments for the chosen concept have actually already been lost in practice. But you also have to remember that the concept was developed at the height of the Corona crisis. You never know when you might need such strict rules again…
