
topicnews · September 8, 2024

Agriculture Minister Kaniber: with small project funding, a further 1.88 million euros successfully invested in Bavarian organic farming

Agriculture Minister Kaniber: with small project funding, a further 1.88 million euros successfully invested in Bavarian organic farming

Munich (agricultural PR) –

Last year, the “Eco-Projects Funding” funding program enabled investments in organic farming totaling around 1.88 million euros to be purchased. Support from the Bavarian Ministry of Agriculture enabled around 200 small projects in the Bavarian model organic regions.

With the “BioRegio 2030” program, the Free State supports municipal associations that bear the title of “State-recognized organic model region.” There are currently over 35 organic model regions in Bavaria across all administrative districts. Their goals are to effectively promote the production and marketing of local organic food and to consciously strengthen regional identity.

For the Bavarian Minister of Agriculture, Michaela Kaniber, the organic model regions are a project close to her heart: “In no other federal state is organic farming promoted as much as in Bavaria.” The organic model regions have played an important role in this for ten years. “The ‘organic project framework’ is one of many building blocks with which we are specifically strengthening these regions and Bavarian organic farming,” emphasises the minister. “Last year alone, over 200 small projects were funded across Bavaria. “This considerable impact impressed me,” Kaniber continued.

In addition to the “BioRegio 2030” program, the Ministry of Agriculture has already created a new funding program in 2022 with the “Eco-Projects Framework”. This specifically supports small projects by actors who are important for the further development of the eco-model region. “This means we have funding that goes directly to farming families, food processors and local initiatives.” “At the same time, consumers also benefit from these projects, of course,” says Agriculture Minister Michaela Kaniber happily.

The amount of the eco-project funding is a maximum of 50,000 euros per year per eco-model region. This means that small projects can be funded by up to 50 percent. The eco-model region itself selects the projects. Not only the uncomplicated application process, but also the wide range of implementation options make the “eco-project funding” an attractive, successful program.

“The small projects can generate greater added value on the respective organic farms.” In addition, we are able to close gaps in existing value chains. The range and variety of regional organic products in the region is constantly growing. “This funding opportunity is what makes our organic model regions so special,” says the minister happily.

Bavaria is as diverse as the range of ideas that were supported in over 200 projects last year. Here you will find a small selection of the corresponding small projects:

  • Ice cream machine for ice cream in the eco-model region of Nuremberg, Nuremberger Land, Roth.
  • Virtual 360° multimedia audio tour in the Ostallgäu eco-model region.
  • Packaging machine for organic flour in the eco-model region Amberg-Sulzbach and the city of Amberg.
  • Mobile slaughter trailer in the eco-model region Waginger See – Rupertiwinkel.
  • Mobile honey extractor in the Rhön-Grabfeld eco-model region.
  • Bakery and confectionery oven in the eco-model region
    Franconian Switzerland.
  • Greenhouse in the eco-model region of Passauer Oberland.