
topicnews · September 8, 2024

More income than every second German? With only 143 followers on “TikTok” instead of in the office

More income than every second German? With only 143 followers on “TikTok” instead of in the office

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Surprising breakthrough on TikTok: A streamer with just 143 followers earns more than the majority of German employees. What is the recipe for success behind lucrative TikTok streaming?

More and more streamers are turning to multiple platforms to increase their revenue. One example is full-time streamer IceTalks, who recently disclosed his earnings, sparking a debate about the lucrative opportunities of TikTok over Twitch.

TikTok brings in more money than expected

More than the average salary: IceTalks’ revenue in August was $7,945.94 – more than the average monthly income of an employee in Germany. The majority of this amount came from TikTok live streaming, while Twitch accounted for a much smaller share.

As a streamer you can earn good money © DALL-E

Large sums: The streamer earned $7,945.94 in August, with the majority of his income coming from TikTok. He earned $4,413.04 on TikTok and only $2,959.84 on Twitch, despite streaming on both platforms, plus $573.06 from other content.

Less reputation, lots of money

TikTok as top earner: IceTalks averaged 143 viewers on TikTok, earning almost double what he earned on Twitch with 95 viewers. His revenue on TikTok comes primarily from live giveaways, while Twitch generates revenue primarily through subscriptions.

Is TikTok more profitable?

Unexpected source of income: Viewers were surprised by the amount of TikTok revenue. Many asked if TikTok has improved its monetization. However, IceTalks explains that only live streaming on TikTok is lucrative, while short videos bring in little.

Do you also want to become a streamer and improve your income? In this guide we will show you how to do it: Dream job streamer: How to become the next “MontanaBlack” on Twitch and YouTube.