
topicnews · September 8, 2024

Saving – Survey: Interest in sustainable investments has declined – Economy

Saving – Survey: Interest in sustainable investments has declined – Economy

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) – According to a survey, sustainable investments play a smaller role for people in Germany than they did two years ago. One in five invests in sustainable financial products, and a good two-thirds express at least a general interest in them. This is shown by a representative study by the comparison portal Verivox.

Around 69 percent of respondents are interested in sustainable investments – in 2022, the proportion will be 79 percent. At that time, almost a quarter (24 percent) said they had invested money in financial products that met minimum ecological, social and ethical standards. Most recently, the figure was just under 21 percent. For the study, the Innofact Institute surveyed 1,016 people for Verivox in July.

The zeitgeist has changed

“Interest in sustainable investments is influenced by the news,” says Oliver Maier, Managing Director of Verivox Finanzvergleich GmbH. “Two years ago, the social debate was even more strongly influenced by topics that many people associate with sustainability than it is today.” Nevertheless, sustainable financial products are no longer a niche.

Sustainable investments are a trend in the financial world. Initially a topic for large investors, criteria such as environmental protection and social issues have become more important to private investors. Sustainable funds often exclude shares in companies that make money from coal, oil, tobacco, weapons or alcohol. Others choose the “best in class” in an industry – such as the cleanest chemical company or car manufacturer. Pressure on the financial sector comes from the EU, which promotes sustainable investments.

According to the survey, maximum return is not the highest goal for some people. A total of 65 percent of respondents who are interested in sustainable investments said they would be willing or rather willing to accept a lower return if they could be sure that their money would only go to projects and companies that meet important sustainability criteria. For 28 percent, reducing returns would not be an option.

Fair working conditions most important

People have different opinions about what is the highest priority when it comes to sustainable investments. In the survey, the most frequently mentioned priority is avoiding exploitative and inhumane working conditions (40 percent). This is followed by avoiding animal testing (33 percent), careful use of the planet’s natural resources (32 percent) and investments in renewable energies (30 percent). Some people want to exclude industries such as armaments and weapons (22 percent).

The ideas about sustainable investment vary widely, says Maier. There are no uniform sustainability standards, but there are seals to provide guidance. Investors should check carefully whether an investment product meets their own requirements.

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