
topicnews · September 7, 2024

First video material about the comeback of a Dreamcast classic?

First video material about the comeback of a Dreamcast classic?

Ever since the mega-leak from the development of GTA 6, the topic has been omnipresent in the video game universe. In the case of the Rockstar title, weeks of discussion followed about the significance of such images, as well as reporting on a court case. But perhaps the most anticipated video game of all time is not necessarily an isolated case.

In recent years, we have repeatedly reported on leaks from the development of games. Such a scenario is anything but pleasant for employees, especially when material that was never intended for the public is evaluated by completely unrealistic standards.

The comeback of the Dreamcast?

In the most recent case, a video has surfaced that appears to be from the development of a comeback. Sega At the moment, they are working on the return of various brands. Many of them had been left to rot in the proverbial mothball box for years, completely detached from fan wishes.

The Dreamcast (buy now ) It should come as no surprise to die-hard Sega fans that the console plays a role in this context. To this day, the console is one of the most iconic devices in gaming history, despite only being on the market for around two years.

At the time, the Dreamcast was a technological masterpiece, was ahead of the competition in many areas and offered memorable titles such as Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, Jet Set Radio and Skies of Arcadia.

When is the new Crazy Taxi coming?

Of course, Crazy Taxi is also part of this group of games and is set to return with a new title. The exact release date for the arcade racing game is not yet known. Now Insider Gamingthat video footage from the game’s development is circulating on Twitter.

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The video itself does not represent the current state of development, but is said to be from 2022. Unsurprisingly, the focus of the 33-second clip is multiplayer. The most striking thing is the unusually golden Formula 1 racing car in Red Bull design with which the person playing races through the city.

How meaningful a clip from the earlier phase of a reboot’s development really is is another question. Insider Gaming notes that, according to the person behind the leak, Crazy Taxi will only 2027 should expect. The significance of the clip would therefore have to be questioned even more.

Source: Insider Gaming