
topicnews · September 7, 2024

Dog with super nose sniffs out thief in subway shaft

Dog with super nose sniffs out thief in subway shaft

Cologne – A service dog of the Cologne police tracked down a suspected copper cable thief (45) early Friday morning and caught him red-handed.

A Cologne police dog proved his good sniffer skills during an operation early Friday morning (symbolic image). © David Young/dpa

The crime scene was one of Cologne’s crime hotspots: At around 3 a.m., an attentive resident called the officers to Mülheim near Wiener Platz because she had discovered three suspicious men in the area of ​​a construction site.

However, when the emergency services arrived, the suspects quickly fled and ran off in different directions.

Fortunately, the police had a helper on four paws with them: the police dog was put on the trail of a fugitive and began the pursuit.

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The four-legged friend was finally found at the subway shaft at Wiener Platz and discovered the man, who according to the police is of Serbian descent, in his hiding place. The police then took the man into custody.

He is due to appear before a judge on Saturday. The investigation into the case is ongoing. It is still unclear who the other two men involved in the crime were.