
topicnews · September 7, 2024

Trump plans to run again on January 6 if he loses

Trump plans to run again on January 6 if he loses

ABC News/Ipsos polls are among the best around, so the latest survey results are sobering. More than 81% of adults said they would accept any outcome of the 2024 presidential election. That’s not so bad, but wait, there’s more. Respondents were also asked if they believe candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump would accept the outcome: 68% said Harris would, but only 29% said they believe Trump would. The poll also asked if voters are confident that the votes will be counted correctly. The result: 65% believe the outcome will be accurate, while only 34% said they would not trust the final result.

When you think about it, these numbers aren’t all that surprising. It’s generally believed that about a third of American voters belong to the so-called “Trump cult” and agree with everything Trump says. Well, since April he’s been laying the groundwork to claim again that the election was rigged if he loses. Never mind that he never provides evidence for that claim. He just says it. It serves his purpose.

People also read…

According to the New York Times, the strategy of Trump’s allies and the Republican Party is to “convince voters that the election could be stolen, even without evidence. Democrats use mail-in voting, ballot boxes and voter registration drives to influence elections.” They further argue: “The indictment and conviction of Mr. Trump are a gambit by the Biden administration to influence the election.” A Republican legal campaign has been flooding courts, state legislatures and county councils for months, working on ways to prevent the certification of the election results or even overturn them if the outcome goes against their party leader.

This begs the question: When did our country become like this? While kids who play games and lose occasionally accuse people of cheating, these tirades are usually ignored and dismissed. But adults who refuse to accept defeat – without evidence – no matter what? What is wrong with these people? When did losers get the right to oppose and try to change honest results? Make no mistake, no matter who loses the presidential election, we will get an honest result. The reality is that for all his whining about the 2020 election, Trump lost. Let me repeat: He lost.

Trump tried to steal the election, not Biden. Just one example of many. Just think of Trump’s failed attempt to convince Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger – a lifelong Republican, after all – that “I only want 11,780 votes, which is one more vote than we have because we won the state. And winning the state is a great testimony to our country.”

How is this other than an attempt to rig an election? And remember, this request was recorded, not fabricated. It actually happened.

There is a fear in this country right now that has never been greater in my lifetime. The fear is growing that if Trump loses again, we could see a repeat of January 6th, and this time perhaps on steroids. Election officials of both parties across the country take their responsibilities seriously and have worked hard since 2020 to plug every leak in the election process and eliminate every source of error they can find. A message to Trump’s supporters: If he loses, it will be the result of a fair and honest election. Grow up and accept the outcome, like you teach your children on the playground.

Fred Abraham is professor emeritus at the University of Northern Iowa. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect those of the university.