
topicnews · September 7, 2024

This app is ideal for commuters

This app is ideal for commuters

Both Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store contain countless apps, some of which are free and others are paid for. This is no big secret. What many people don’t know or pay attention to is that full paid versions can often be downloaded as part of a free offer. We have selected some particularly interesting free apps for you.

These Pro apps are currently free (Android)

  • Hero of the Kingdom II (7.99 euros) – Anyone who has to commute to work and back every day needs constant distraction. This mobile role-playing game can provide just that. Gamers immerse themselves in a medieval world full of islands and dangers and have to survive many adventures in search of their kidnapped sister. (4.3 stars, 164 reviews)
  • The Lonely Hacker (1.67 euros) – Another game takes the player away – this time into a digital world. As a hacker, it is your job to find loopholes and take over other people’s devices. The hacking simulator claims to have been co-designed by security experts. (4.0 stars, 17,400 ratings)
  • Resume Generator – CV Template (5.99 euros) – Anyone who has ever created an application portfolio knows that this task is associated with major hurdles. Appearance and design in particular can cause problems for applicants. This app provides numerous professionally designed templates. (4.1 stars, 729 ratings)
  • Cityopolis (3.99 euros) – Have you always wanted to design your own city? Then this digital city planner is just right for you. The aim of the simulator is to design a functioning city in which the residents are happy and the city coffers are full. The player can choose between a campaign and their own scenarios. (no ratings)

These premium apps are currently free (iOS)

  • Kingdom Rush – Tower Defense HD (5.99 euros) – This tower defense game is not generally that popular. It offers numerous different and exciting battlefields as well as lovingly designed designs. But beware: The app may be free, but in-app purchases are possible. (4.8 stars, 2,080 ratings)
  • Timestamp Camera (9.99 euros) – This application allows the keen smartphone photographer to add additional information to the photo. This includes time and date information, location information or temperature data. And user-defined text is also possible. (4.0 stars, 6 ratings)
  • Rally Stars (3.99 euros) – Anyone who spent their childhood playing rally games will feel a lot of nostalgia when they see this app. The same look, the same fun. This time, however, on an iPad or an iPhone and in multiplayer mode. (no ratings)
  • Aqueduct 101 (2.29 euros) – This puzzle game focuses on the so-called aqueducts or water pipes. These are in disarray and no longer allow the water flow to pass through. Now it is up to the player to change this. (4.8 stars, 200 ratings)

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All of the applications listed above were available free of charge at the time of writing. Unfortunately, developers rarely state how long the offer will last. If you like an app, you should download it as soon as possible.

Before downloading the free apps, however, it is advisable to take a closer look at the respective pages in the Play Store or the App Store, as some programs contain various stumbling blocks.

In-app purchases and advertising

In-app purchases and advertising are usually found in free applications, but full versions are often not spared either – regardless of whether they were downloaded for free or for a fee. This is especially relevant if the downloaded program is a game intended for children. In such and similar cases, one of the following parental controls can help:

App permissions

Some apps rent themselves out by collecting user information and then selling it on. If you want to be on the safe side, you should make sure that you only grant apps the permissions they need to function. An alarm clock usually doesn’t need access to your camera or contacts, while a flashlight doesn’t need to be interested in your location data.