
topicnews · September 7, 2024

Relief from school stress in the Garmisch district

Relief from school stress in the Garmisch district

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School will soon start again: Antje Radetzky explains how children and parents can deal with stress and questions about school. © Roeder Jan

It will soon be that time again: For many children, it’s time to pack their school bags, get up early and start studying. Tips on how to make it easier to (re-)enter school life after the summer holidays should help.

GAP – The start of the new school year is an exciting time for both first-graders and older students. However, this transition can also be associated with challenges that need to be overcome. Antje Radetzky, head of the Vocational Science Department at the Bavarian Teachers’ Association (BLLV), therefore gives valuable advice on how her children can prepare for this important step.

Positive preparation

Parents play a crucial role in how their children experience the start of school. According to Radetzky, it is important to get children in the mood for school with positive thoughts and a certain anticipation. It helps to stay calm during the first few weeks of school. Children learn an enormous amount during this time, which is why it is necessary to give them enough time to get used to the new routines.

It is particularly helpful when parents acknowledge small successes and progress with recognition and praise. This strengthens self-confidence and motivates children to continue to do their best. Comparisons with other children are also not beneficial. After all, everyone learns at their own pace. But even if parents heed the advice, it may still happen that the child is afraid or concerned about returning to school or starting again. It is important to take these feelings seriously and talk about them openly.

This means that the child should be listened to. Possible causes should also be determined in order to work out solutions together. If the problem is more serious, the child should talk to the teacher or seek advice from the school counselor. “Remind your child of the positive aspects of school too – seeing friends again and discovering new things can be a great motivation,” the report says.

Tips for everyday school life

Radetzky has some more tips to help ensure the start of the new school year goes as smoothly as possible: “Take the time to listen to your child’s worries and fears.” Show interest and allow feelings. Give your child age-appropriate tasks to encourage independence and let your child help decide how the first day of school should be structured. A regular daily routine is also helpful. This creates structure and brings calm to stressful everyday life.”

Key to success

Open communication between parents and teachers is also essential. Parent evenings and consultation hours can be used to discuss the child’s learning progress and well-being. Radetzky also recommends exchanging fears and worries with other parents in the communication.

Since starting school can be stressful, it is important to lower expectations and avoid pressure. Regular breaks are designed for this. This way, a balance to school can be created through shared activities. Trust in the child and the school is crucial. In order not to overwhelm the child before starting school, joy and curiosity about school should be conveyed.

A good start

A successful start to school lays the foundation for a successful school year. With the right support and a positive attitude, parents can help their children look forward to school, develop their strengths and deal with any weaknesses.

The aim of the teachers is to make the start of school as pleasant as possible for all children and to encourage them to enjoy learning. Further information and support is available at

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