
topicnews · September 7, 2024

Obstetrics: University launches survey on midwifery care in the north

Obstetrics: University launches survey on midwifery care in the north

The Department of Midwifery Science at the University of Lübeck will survey young parents about their experiences with midwives. Around 2,500 mothers who would die between August 1, 2023 and July 31, 2024 would be surveyed Schleswig-Holstein The university reports that the respondents were asked about the choice of birth location, their experiences in finding a midwife, and their experiences with the midwife during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.

According to the university, the answers will form the basis for the development of targeted improvement measures. The project to coordinate midwifery care in Schleswig-Holstein is intended to create structures for a central contact point for clinics, midwives, pregnant women and new mothers, says the head of the project, Katja Stahl.

This is the first time that the needs of young families in terms of obstetric care by midwives have been systematically recorded, said Christiane Schwarz, head of the midwifery science course. This is the only way that politicians can respond appropriately.

Schleswig-Holstein was the first federal state to introduce a midwifery degree program in the 2017/2018 winter semester. This has given the state a beacon position in Germany, said Schwarz. The survey is expected to be evaluated in early 2025.

According to the university, the Ministry of Justice and Health is supporting the survey with 500,000 euros from the supply security fund. Health Minister Kerstin von der Decken (CDU) explained that midwives do valuable work to enable families to start their lives together.

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