
topicnews · September 6, 2024

CSD demo in Albstadt: Love has many colorful faces – Albstadt

CSD demo in Albstadt: Love has many colorful faces – Albstadt

The participants and speakers at the CSD demonstration on the Ebinger Bürgerturmplatz set an example for more tolerance and diversity. The importance of such events also became clear – especially in rural regions.

“We want to show the beautiful face of Albstadt,” said organizer Peter Demmer from the youth initiative “#Immerwaslos” at the opening of the first Christopher Street Day rally (CSD) not only in Albstadt, but also in the entire Zollernalb district. And the Ebinger Bürgerturmplatz, where the demonstration took place, was completely filled with people who showed their faces and flags together with Demmer – among them also Finance Mayor Steve Mall.

The initiative invited five speakers who, with their views, opinions and experiences, set an example for more tolerance and diversity. The first speaker was Samuel Schelle, who is known to the public as a transsexual pastor.

Above all, he wants to set an example in his church, because there have always been queer people in the history of the church. “Some people claim that we are abusing the symbol of the rainbow from the Old Testament.” But that is not true: God has made this covenant with all people – and that is before any religion or how one sees oneself.” He is also convinced that all people are needed to solve the problems in society and the church.

“Que(e)rbeet Day”

Lena Mispelhorn and Giovanna Ciriello offer a safe haven – Mispelhorn has been running the Queer Café in Balingen for two years, and Ciriello from the Open Youth Work in Hechingen regularly organizes the “Que(e)rbeet Day” there. In both places, however, young people find a “discrimination-free space in which they can also exchange ideas with queer people,” says Mispelhorn.

Robin Mesarosch, SPD member of the Bundestag for Zollernalb-Sigmaringen, remembers his best friend from Frohnstetten, who was insulted as “gay”. “People always say that CSD demonstrations are an issue for big cities,” he says. But it is also an issue in rural areas, whether in Frohnstetten, Nusplingen, Onstmettingen or elsewhere. “Because the people who are there want to stay – just as they are.”

Role models for education

“Let us be role models for education,” said Roland Fritsch from AIDS-Hilfe Tübingen-Reutlingen. In addition to educational work at information stands and in schools, clubs and nursing schools, the topic of sexual and mental health is another core area of ​​the organization. “We have to stop this game of hide-and-seek so that we can all have a healthy relationship with sex.”

Florian Wahl, SPD member of the state parliament, says: “We have to show the many little Florians, Daniels, Michelles and many others that they are not alone. And who knows? Maybe one of them will dare to come out on Monday.”

He greatly appreciates the presence and support of Mayor Steve Mall – but also warns: “The rights of queer people are an issue and an obligation 365 days a year,” and he hopes that a lasting example can also be set in Albstadt.

In addition to the speeches, there were also two interactive contributions – or more precisely, competitions – in which the many guests themselves were asked to participate. In the first competition, those who had travelled the furthest to Albstadt won – the winner was a group that had come especially from Berlin. But guests from Frankfurt and Stuttgart were also present.

In the end, everyone is a winner

The second competition was about the most beautiful posters. They included slogans such as “Fck Nazis – not a millimeter to the right” and “Who the Duck cares – Love is Love” or “Mom for colorful life paths” and many other slogans. The audience was supposed to decide the winner by applauding – but in the end the applause was so loud that all the creative people were declared winners.